A.D.1931 - 018 - Japanese Combined Armed Forces

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The reorganization of the Self-Defense Forces and the Federation's armed forces that took place after the end of the Soviet-Japanese War was carried out in a solemn manner, partly influenced by the London Naval Treaty.

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London Naval Treaty

Japan participated in the London Naval Treaty in a relaxed manner, as the absence of hostile nations in the Pacific Rim did not necessitate an expansion of its maritime forces. However, the topic of the discussion at the conference was Japan's 35.000-ton escort ship under construction. *1

Japan's military and scientific power had been fierce in the Soviet-Japanese War. Every country was afraid of the new fruition of that power. The fear was amplified by the frighteningly short construction pace after the start of the design, and by the industrial strength of the two ships being built almost simultaneously. This is why they asked Japan to disclose as much information as possible about the new battleships. What the world wanted for reassurance was proof that the battleships being built by Japan would not make the existing battleships of the world obsolete.

Although they only displaced 35.000 tons and sported only 14-inch guns, they feared what technology from a century in the future might produce. As such, Japan was asked about it at the London Naval Treaty.

The Japanese, however, were not so surprised because the information on main turrets and armor was less sensitive than that of the air defense system, which was a mass of secrets. Japan readily agreed to disclose the information, then proposed to the countries participating in the conference to hold a tour of the construction site.

The countries participating in the conference were delighted with this information. *5 On the other hand, Germany and the Soviet Union, which were not participating in the Naval Treaty, expressed their fierce dissatisfaction. However, as countries not participating in the conference, they refused to participate in the Naval Treaty when asked if they would. There was no consideration given to such a nation. *4

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Self-Defense Forces

The role of the SDF is being redefined with the scope of its defense responsibilities has expanded dramatically, and reforms will include a reorganization of the military forces.

Ground Self-Defense Force

The main mission of the GSDF is the defense of the Japanese archipelago, and it will be in charge of emergency deployment to other countries.

- Mechanized Division/Brigade: Heavy troops with mainly armored vehicles.

- Motorized Division/Brigade: Regional defense force mainly consisting of wheeled vehicles.

- Mobile Division/Brigade: A unit whose main mission is emergency deployment outside the Japanese archipelago.

- Armored Division/Brigade: A unit with armored strike capability.

Northern Army (Hokkaidō Region): Defends Hokkaidō and provides support to the Republic of Okhotsk.

- 2nd Division (Mechanized)

- 5th Division (Mechanized/in charge of initial support to the Republic of Okhotsk)

- 7th Division (Armored)

- 11th Brigade (Motorized)

- 16th Brigade (Mechanized/stationed in Sakhalin)

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