126 - The Stirrings of World War - 1

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The cancellation of Japan's large-scale shipbuilding plan sent shockwaves throughout the world. As the intention was explained during the G4 conference, the United States, Britain, and France did not misunderstand Japan's intentions. *1 However, other countries that lacked such information interpreted Japan's cancellation as a sign of a softened stance towards Germany.

Japan, which had been implementing a large-scale shipbuilding plan involving 100 ships led by a 30.000-ton large aircraft carrier (39.000-ton class multipurpose aviation support destroyer, Hiryū-class), *2 without issuing emergency bonds (war bonds), finally seemed to have reached its limit, and many countries found it understandable. Foremost among them was Germany.

When Hitler, sitting in his office in Berlin, heard the news that Japan, the leader of the G4 and a country capable of waging war against the World Order, had abandoned its hardline stance, he cheered. In the heat of the moment, Hitler and other senior Nazi party officials gathered at his Chancellery raised their glasses in celebration. And then, he sternly ordered the diplomatic corps to seize this opportunity and accelerate the annexation of the Netherlands.

Although part of the G4, Britain showed no interest in Europe, France busied itself with colonial issues, the United States was fully engaged in the war with China (a sporting event in the People's Sea), and Japan seemed to have taken a backseat — that was the rationale behind the instructions. Furthermore, anticipating Japan's compliance, Hitler instructed to make contact with Japan's League of Nations delegation in Geneva and engage in diplomatic negotiations. The price of reconciliation was to offer favorable tax treatment when Germany annexed the Netherlands. It was a strategic decision by Hitler, who prided himself on being a strategist who did not rely on tradition.

The gears had started turning.

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The Netherlands

Germany launched pro-German activities with the fate of the nation at stake, targeting the gold accumulated in the treasury and the wealth-producing Dutch East Indies.

The Netherlands was currently divided into two factions. There were the wealthy who could obtain the gold produced by the Dutch East Indies (profits from selling resources to Japan), and those who could not. While the money used by the affluent circulated and made the wallets of ordinary people richer, humans were not wise enough to be satisfied with that alone. Especially those who witnessed the extravagant spending in front of their eyes (the foolishness of the bubble) harbored discontent. When the defeated people *3 returning from the Dutch East Indies joined in, the smoke turned into flames.

It evolved into a political movement aimed at overthrowing the Dutch government, which monopolized the national wealth and degraded the dignity of white people by favoring Asians. Political demands through demonstrations were gaining momentum. This is where the Germans joined in.

After all, it is the Nazi Party that advocates Aryan (Nordic Caucasian) supremacy, which is Germany's national doctrine. It resonates well with the disgruntled Dutch. With German operatives smoothly whispering in their ears about how the Dutch were honorable Aryans, they were merely being manipulated in the palm of their hands. Children who long for something special and have faced setbacks, when recognized as special, lose sight of other things. Moreover, the wallets of the German operatives in the Netherlands were hefty — backed by Hitler's initiative, they were generously funded, and by distributing that money, they successfully captured the hearts of those opposing the government due to poverty. It was only natural that anti-government groups in the Netherlands quickly became pro-German.

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Lacking the capacity to respond to the independence movements in its African colonies, Belgium initially turned to France, the root cause, for condemnation (pleading), but France, expressing regret, made no effort to address the situation.

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