A.D.1942 - 085 - China Upheaval - 4

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Japan did not view the fact that South China could not capture Nanjing – that it couldn't establish a foundation as an independent nation – as a concern. Japan had been expecting China to be divided, but China was already not just divided into four or five parts, but even into six parts, including South China. *1 Furthermore, the largest force, the Chinese government, was already engaged in a full-scale war with the Chinese Communist Party. Even if South China's national foundation was fragile, there was no immediate issue. They were watching it as if it were a distant fire on the opposite bank, without any worries.

However, there were also those who took advantage of this situation, like the United States.

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United States

The expenses required for dealing with the repeated conflicts along the Frontier Republic's border and for preventing illegal immigration were not a light burden for the US either. How to reduce these expenses was a matter of concern.

The US government considered various options. Reconciliation with China and plans to suppress illegal immigration through China's efforts were quickly discarded. The mistrust of the Americans towards China that had built up over the past decade ran deep.

China had its own grievances. From China's perspective, it was America and the great powers (the Anglo-Japanese) that had invaded the ancestral lands of China. However, the Frontier Republic was an independent nation under a formal international treaty between America and China. It was also a member of the League of Nations. Regardless of how emotionally difficult it was for the Chinese people to accept this, the international community was not expected to accept otherwise.

Based on this emotional discord and, above all, China's bad habit of making arbitrary judgments, interpreting things in its favor, and acting accordingly, it became clear to the US that reconciliation with China was impossible. *2 Ultimately, they decided on a course of action to establish a buffer state.

The decision was to create a nation between the Frontier Republic and China, physically distancing them from each other. However, considering the cost required for a buffer state to function as an independent nation, it was by no means a cost-effective choice when viewed from a cost reduction perspective. What changed this decision was information received from Japan via Guam (USFJ). The information was about vast underground resources, including a significant amount of rare earth minerals crucial for the future, lying dormant in the assumed location of the buffer state, Mongolia. *3

Upon receiving this information, the US government made a decision.

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Republic of South Mongolia

From the beginning, there was a growing desire for independence in the Mongolian region of northern China. One reason for this was the strong resistance against Chinese rule. However, what made it even more significant was the threat to the traditional way of life of the Mongolian residents due to the influx of Chinese people who came with the establishment of the Frontier Republic. This was because individuals who hoped to make a fortune had flocked to the Frontier Republic with dreams of striking it rich, given its geographical conditions.

Additionally, a significant reason was that Chinese people who had been expelled from the Frontier Republic settled in the Mongolian region without returning to their homeland. While this brought increased vitality, it also led to deteriorating security conditions. The local population, frustrated by this situation, began to voice calls for independence. It was at this point that the US made contact.

The Mongol people in China began to move towards independence, involving local elites and warlords in the process. Many of these elites were Chinese by ethnicity, but they valued their family's interests more than their affiliation with China. They eagerly anticipated the benefits they could gain from independence, counting them on their abacus.

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