A.D.1932 - 019 - Shanghai Incident - 1

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"All men think that all men are mortal but themselves."

Edward Young


There was no mastermind behind it. It was simply a tragedy that resulted from the anti-American movement and growing anti-American sentiment fostered in China.

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Situation: Prelude

Although the US supported North China, it did not ignore South China. It even respected it as a business partner. Therefore, there were many Americans who were active in South China's territory. However, they were wary of the deteriorating security situation. In particular, large private trading companies routinely hired American semi-state-owned PMCs as bodyguards with personnel comprised of Russians and Koreans who had been captured during the Soviet-Japanese War and were emotionally unable to naturalize in the Japanese Republic of Okhotsk.

By this time, the government of the Republic of Korea was actively using Korean mercenaries as a means of earning foreign currency, and with the consent of the Japanese government, it had loaned more than four figures of Korean soldiers to the United States of up to a company. The composition is that of Mongoloid (Korean) people escorting Caucasoid (American) people. *1 On top of that, they are arrogant in the eyes of China. This caused a hint of anger in China.

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Shanghai Incident: Chinese Communist Party

Although the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) was outnumbered between North and South China, it had weapons in abundance. This was because the Soviet Union, under pressure from Japan and the US in Siberia, was providing a large number of obsolete weapons and ammunition to the Chinese, especially for the uprising in China, the underbelly of the United States.

With these weapons in hand, the CCP worked to promote anti-American propaganda: the US exploiting China, and Korea as its stooge. In addition, they used bribes to reach out to the warlords in South China. The target is Shanghai. It was a foothold for the US and other powers, and a perfect place to show China's intentions. There were few troops and many civilians. The CCP, thought that if they could start a war here, they would be able to advertise it to the world. A state of war between China and the world.

The leadership of the CCP realized that this was the only way for the CCP, oppressed by North and South China, to survive. It has cooked up hatred for Europe and America, led by the United States.

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Shanghai Incident: Beginning

The Shanghai Incident was sparked by an armed clash in a village about 100 kilometers inland from Shanghai. Was it the fault of the Americans with their inflated ego, was it the Koreans who were in the wrong place at the wrong time, or was it the violent and short-tempered Chinese who was to blame?

There is no point in trying to identify what was wrong. All that is known is that an American merchant was attacked in the village, his Korean guards fought back, and the Chinese were killed. In a way, it was a common story throughout China. The victim and the perpetrator are often swapped, but they ended up in the newspaper. At least, not to the people involved.

The reason why such a story became such a big issue was that there was the CCP who put the wood to the fire. They instigated the South China Warlords, with whom they had a prior friendship, to create a huge uproar. *2 They hanged the Americans and the Chinese who started it, and made them call for the elimination of the United States from China under the whole sky.

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