love at first sight

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“Hey weirdo,”

“What’s up my faithful minion?”

“I’m calling to confirm if you are still coming,”

“Of course I am. What do you take me for?”

“We both know you are bad at making plans. You ought to have your middle name changed to ‘last-minute-canceller’”

“Ha-ha, I see you got jokes.”

“You know me,”

“Don’t worry,I’ll be there. I Just Have To Get Home First, freshen up then come over,”

“Please don’t miss this. It’s important to me,”

“I know, that’s why I’m putting my pride aside and coming over but don’t expect me to act friendly to you know who?”

“I don’t care if you don’t talk to her, just come over,”

“Okay, I’ll let you know when I leave the house,”

“Thanks buddy,”

“Anything for you,”

I didn’t want to go to her place for more than one reason. The first was because I wasn’t good at socializing. I spent long hours working from home alone and only interacting with less than ten people a month and that had turned me into a recluse. The other reason was that her circle of friends included someone I didn’t want to see. An ex I was still bitter with.

After a long shower, debating on whether I should attend the party or not, I put on a pair of black leggings, a black t-shirt which was two sizes too big and a black hoodie. I had never been a makeup enthusiast, so a little eye liner and red lipstick were the only things I applied.

My braids were still in a neat bun, all I needed to complete the look was my pair of black and yellow combat boots. Satisfied with my look, I left for her place.

“You actually made it,” she said giving me a hug.

“I told you I was coming,”

“It’s no secret that I only believe it when I see it,”

“Am I the first one to arrive?”

“Nah, Sal and the Mrs are already here,”

“Cool, I can get warmed up before the others get here,”

“Just a reminder; you do know who is on the guest list too,”

“I don’t understand why you invited her here in the first place.”

“Because she’s Han’s best friend and Han is good friend of mine,”

“But I’m your best friend, doesn’t that account for anything? Isn’t it enough that I’ll have to be around people and now you want me around her? I should just leave already,”

“You won’t deal with her I promise but I thought you said you were over her,”

“I am over her but it’ll be uncomfortable,”

“Don’t worry about that and besides I invited someone to keep you company and hopefully get you to forget about your ex,”

“We’ll see about that”

Sal, Ker and I sat there talking as we waited for the other guests while Sal’s girl and the lady of the house were getting the snacks ready in the kitchen.

By ten that evening, there were about fifteen people in the house, the drinks were
flowing and the music was okay. I was having fun... before they came.

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