Road to recovery

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There are people that say that weed brings people closer. That’s exactly what it did for Pat and me. It got us on the road to recovery.

We started working on us again and she allowed people to come visit her at home. Two and a half months after the accident we went to get her casts removed. The wound above her right ear had turned into a scar.

Max had called me earlier and asked me to keep her away from the house because they were planning a party for her.

“If you laugh at me, you’ll regret it,” Pat warned me in advance.

“I will not promise you anything,”

I recorded it as they took out the casts because I wanted to have a memory of that day. I couldn’t help but laugh when they took out both casts. Her arm and leg looked so dark and so skinny. 

“Fuck you very much for laughing at me,”

“Look at them, it’s like someone was playing tic-tac-toe with your limbs and ran out half way,”

“Really Elizabeth? Really?”

“Yes really Patricia,”

“You are lucky you’ve got a sense of humour because I’ll be laughing my ass off when you in that labour ward cussing me out,” she said coming closer to me. The nurse attending to her had left.

“That’s what you think. You’ll be in more pain than I and I’ll make sure of that.” She pulled me closer and as she was about to kiss me the door swung open and the doctor came in. He told us the limbs had healed well and that they would get back to normal soon enough and I started laughing again.

“Don’t worry, she’ll only laugh for a few more days,” he said trying not to laugh.

“Not you too,”

“Her laugh is contagious,”

“I know right? I can’t even stay mad at her,”

“Well, everything looks normal so you are free to go home,”

“Thank you,” Pat changed into a pair of trousers but she said she had to use the restroom before we left. She left and I finished putting our things together.

“Hey,” I got startled by that. “I’m sorry for startling you like that but I saw your cousin heading for the loo and wanted to take this opportunity to ask for your number. She’s a little intimidating and she seems a little overprotective of you,” said the doctor who had attended to Pat.

“I’m flattered that you’d consider asking for my number but I’m someone’s fiancé and they don’t like it when random guys start calling or texting me,”

“I’m not trying to get in your way but kindly give me a chance to get to know you and who knows maybe in future you might want some health advise,”

“I can only offer friendship,”

“I’m okay with that,” Pat came in right after we had finished exchanging numbers.

“Is there a problem?” she asked

“No, not at all,” I said a little too fast. The doctor went away.

“Do you want to go home and celebrate my recovery or pay for laughing at me?”

“I want you to take me on a shopping spree,”

“A shopping spree? Are you sure?”

“Yeah, why not?”

“Because you are not the shopping spree kind of girl,”

“I want to be pampered for a day, a way to show me gratitude for my selflessness,” I could tell she wanted to laugh.

“Who are you and what have you done with my Elizabeth?”

“I’m serious. I want to know how it feels like to go through racks of clothes knowing I’m free to take any of them and my pocket won’t feel that wrath,”

“If that’s what you want.”

“And a spa treatment,”


“You don’t want to? Fine,”

“You know you don’t have to manipulate me into doing anything, if that’s what you want, that’s what we’ll do,”

We went shopping first and most of it belonged to her and Chance. I got myself two pairs of all black Converse shoes  and a pair of black leggings.

We later went for a spa treatment. It included body massage, thirty minutes in the sauna, a mud facial, pedicure and manicure.

“I want to get my dreads retouched, how about you get your hair done too?” Pat suggested.

I was done before they were through with her and she insisted I get my makeup done too.

“We should do this more often babe, you look stunning,” she said looking at me. “Only one thing missing,”

“And what is that?”

“Your clothes don’t match what I see,” We made one last stop to a boutique. She chose a short black dress with a pair of gold wedges and insisted we go home while I was dressed like that. I got a few heads turning.

“We should probably get you to change,” she said.

“Why? You insisted I dress like this,”

“At this rate some unlucky fool will come approach you asking for your number and call me your cousin or friend, like that doctor did,”

“How did you…?”

“I have my eyes and ears always on the ground when it comes to you,”

“Someone’s jealous,”

“Not jealous but protective,”

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