Painful Truth

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“What is she doing here Gabe? Does Liz remember her?” I overheard my sister ask him. They were along the staircase and I was coming from our bedroom.

“I don’t think she does. If she did she wouldn’t let her near us,”

“You should ask her to leave. Mom doesn’t want her around Liz,”

“I have tried doing so but Joey won’t leave her side,”

“Speak of the devil. Don’t you have any shame showing your face here after what you did?”

“Joey invited me and I couldn’t disappoint her,”

“But you had no problem hurting my sister? Aren’t you worried she might remember you and a repeat of what happened in the hospital? You always claimed to love her or were those just words?”

“And I always will and that’s why I’m here. It's been almost five years, she may not remember me but she still loves me,”

“Stay away from my sister, she’s happily married.”

“Don’t you remember what the doctor said the last time? that a similar shock might result in permanent brain damage,”

“Will you both relax? She’s seen me for the past two months and nothing happened,”

“What are you talking about?”

“We’ve been meeting for coffee,”

“Leave my wife alone,”

“Or what? She was mine first, you took her from me. You took advantage of her memory loss,”

“What is she talking about Gabe?” I asked.

“Babe, it’s not what you think,” he said moving closer

“How long have you been standing there?” Pat asked doing the same.

“Long enough to know you and I have a past and I’m not supposed to remember you, is it all true?”

“Babe, please let me explain,” Gabe said.

“Is everything you said true?”

“It’s true,” Pat said. I went down the stairs.

“Love, let me explain,” Gabe said holding my hand.

“Everyone knew and no one told me anything?”

“The doctor warned us of what might happen and we didn’t want to risk it,”

“I need some air,” I jerked off my hand from his and left.

I felt so betrayed. The dream I had, it wasn’t a dream but memories. What happened that made me forget every memory I had of Pat? What if it happened again? I had to know.

When I got home the guests had already left and the house already tidied up. Gabe was in the living room talking on the phone. He quickly stood up when he saw me.

“Yeah she just got back...Okay...I’ll tell her. Good night.” He said and hung up. “Can I get you something to eat?”

“I’m good,” I said heading upstairs. He joined me shortly after.

“I’m sorry we never told you about your past,”

“What happened?”

“I think it’s better to hear it from her.”

“I need to know what happened,”

“Then what? Will you go back to her after finding out the truth? Will you throw us away for her?”

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