Making up

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Pat came back around one completely intoxicated. She didn’t want anything to do with me and I didn’t blame her.

She slept in the bathtub in our room. I couldn’t join her in there therefore I slept on the bed with Chance.

“Good morning, mom,”

“Good morning baby boy. Go wash your face and brush your teeth then we can go have breakfast,”

“Pat's in there,”

“I’ll go wake her up,” I got out of bed and went to do so.

“What do you want?” she asked when I woke her up.

“Chance wants to get ready for breakfast, kindly excuse him,” She got out of the bathroom and went to sleep on the couch still in the bedroom. We both got ready for breakfast before I woke her up again.

“What now?”

“Aren’t you going to join us for breakfast?”

“No, I’m good,”

“Okay,” we walked towards the door before I asked Chance to excuse us. “Is this how you are going to treat me for the remaining days?”

“Leave me the fuck alone, will you?”

“I’m sorry, I am so sorry that I didn’t trust your judgement. You were right, your gut feeling was right and I owe you big time. You saved my son and I don’t know how I could ever repay you for that. My baby is my world and if anything happened to him I’d never forgive myself, you were right about that too. If you insist on us living like this, I will respect your wish.” I left her alone after she didn't say anything.

I joined the others for breakfast and Pat only joined us when we were leaving for the lake.

We got a tour around the shores of the huge water body then we went on a boat ride. I could tell Chance was really enjoying himself, at least Pat wasn’t giving him an attitude. She'd ignored me the whole day  and even switched seats with Max, sitting at the co-driver seat so I couldn’t talk to her.

“Hey,” was the text I got from Leon.


“You finally replied to my texts,”

“Sorry, I have been really busy,”

“You look good by the way,”

“Where did you see me?”

“You were tagged in a photo in your account,”

“Oh, thank you,”

“Why didn’t you let me know you were coming to Kisumu?”

“I didn’t know where we were going until we got here,” it was unlike me to lie to her.

“I have a question for you,”

“What’s the question?”

“Are you and Pat that serious?”

“Liz!” Kate’s voice brought me out of my phone and back to where I was physically.

“Who’s that keeping you distracted while Pat's right here?” Max asked

“No one,” I said a little too quickly.

“Come closer, we want to get a selfie,”

We took a few photos before I went back to chatting with Leon through texts.

I didn’t answer her question instead I changed the topic. We stopped at a restaurant by the lake for lunch and even then I was still talking to Leon. When the others talked to me I responded but I would then go back to my conversation with Leon.

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