Cry for Help

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“How’s Pat?” Ker asked over lunch. It had been a while since we got together.

“I don’t know. We parted ways. Why?”

“Don’t you find is funny how silent she’s been? She doesn’t post anything on any social media platform and her last seen on both Messenger and WhatsApp was two weeks ago,”

“I blocked her on everything so I wouldn’t know but do you know something I don’t?”

“No, I’m just stating an observation that’s all,”

“Maybe she’s just taking time. I’m also doing the same before I start hoeing,”

“It wouldn’t hurt to check up on her. You did the same for Leon,”

“Okay, if you say so.”

I unblocked her and saw what Ker had said was true. I tried calling her but her number wasn’t going through.

I then called Max and she told me that Pat was okay and she needed time to be alone. This was her best friend telling me this so I believed her but my gut feeling told me something didn’t sit right.

Two days later I got a call from an unknown number. I never ignored unknown numbers because money.

“Good morning,” a female voice said at the other end of the line after I picked up.

“Good morning to you too,”

“Am I talking to Liz?”

“Yes you are. How may I help you?”

“This is Eve, Collins’ wife,” It took me a second or two to know who I was talking to.

“Hey Eve, how are you? How’s the family doing?”

“We are doing fine. How are you?”

“I’m okay too.”

“I heard what happened between you and Pat,”

“Yeah, what can I say? Life happens,”

“I have the afternoon free from the kids. Do you think we could have a little chat?”

“I can’t make it today,”

“Please Liz, I could use the company and I know you do too,”

“Okay, send me your address I’ll be there,”

“Awesome see you then,”

To avoid getting lost I took a taxi to their place. She served some drinks and snacks and we just talked about motherhood mostly. Hours later, the doorbell rang and she went to get it.

“Are we early?” I heard Collins ask.

“Yes, but it is okay,” she said walking back to the living room. Collins was carrying Sonia, Max had Ace and Kate came in carrying the stroller.

“I think I should be leaving right now,” I said standing up. The house help took the kids and the four of them sat down.

“Please don’t leave yet,” Eve said.

“What’s going on?”

“It concerns Pat,”

“What’s wrong with Pat?”

“Please have a seat first,” she said in the calmest voice. “I need you to promise that you’ll stay calm,”

“I’ll get more agitated if you don’t tell me what happened to Pat,”

“Pat got into an accident two weeks ago,” Max blurted out.

“Oh My God! Where is she? How is she? Is she okay? Who’s with her if you are all here?”

“She’s at her place and that’s why we asked you to come here. We don’t know if she’s okay,”

“Why am I learning about this now? You," I pointed at Max, "I asked you how she was and you said she was okay. It’s obvious you two don’t want us to be together,” I said looking at Kate.

“Liz, Pat made us promise not to tell you anything,” Eve said taking my hand.

“Why not?”

“She said she didn’t want you back out of pity,” Max said.

“But she locked herself in her house and doesn’t want anyone to help her. She broke her arm and leg and also has a fractured skull yet she refuses any help,”

“Have you tried Becky? Maybe she can help,” I said looking at Kate.

“What is your problem? We are telling you about Pat's condition and how she needs help and all you do is bring up the past,” Kate said.

“You had no problem bringing up the past in Mombasa, did you?”

“Becky is one of my closest friends. If it weren’t for her I wouldn’t be with Max,”

“So you decided to pass on the favour by getting them back together? Look, I’m sorry to disappoint you all but you came to the wrong person. Try Becky, you might get somewhere with her. Thank you for hosting me and I’m sorry I wasn’t much help,” I took my bag and left. Max came running after me soon after.

“Liz, wait,”

“What is it Max? What more do you want from me? Haven’t you and Kate caused me enough pain?”

“I’m sorry. I really am. I knew Pat had a soft spot for Becky and I took advantage of that to help her out but I had not considered how truly happy Pat was with you until I saw her in that hospital bed.

I saw the same look of despair that was there after Becky left and she didn’t have anything to her name. Did she love Becky in the past? Yes, she did. But was she as happy as she was with you? I can tell you for a fact that she wasn’t.

Pat got disowned by her family because of Becky only for Becky to turn around and leave her at her lowest. I had forgotten about all that. Pat locking everyone out isn’t to seek attention but a suicide mission and only you can save her,”

“I am not anyone’s hero. I can’t save her only she can do it,”

“You don’t get it. Pat loves you a bit too much. The only thing that plays in her head is what you need and what she can do to make you smile,”

“I think you are wrong on that,”

“I know her. She’s my best friend but I failed her. Please give me my friend back,” She got on her knees, “I would never forgive myself if Pat was successful in what she’s attempting,”

“Get up Max,”

“Promise me you’ll go see her soon,”

“I will now please get up,” She was attracting a few stares from the passers-by. She got up and hugged me.

“Thank You,” The taxi I had ordered for had already arrived. I bade her farewell and left.

“I would like to change my coordinates please,”

“Okay, just send the new destination’s coordinates to the app,” He pulled over at Pat’s house and I froze for a moment. I didn’t know whether to go in or go home.

However, there was a longing in my heart, a longing to see her. I had a spare key to her house among my house keys and I let myself in.

The house was a mess and she was asleep on the sofa. I tidied up the place went out shopping and made something to eat before she woke up.

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