Surprise Party

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“My head is fucking me up,” she said coming downstairs.

I was baking some cookies for the kids for the week. It was something I did back when Gabe was alive but for financial reasons, I had stopped.

“Serves you right for all the trouble you caused,” I said handing her painkillers and some ice cream. That was her go to hangover cure.

“How did you know this is exactly what I needed?”

“Oh, umm…I… I think Max mentioned it last night. She also said that you should call her as soon as you wake up. You should also call your girlfriend and apologise,”

“I’ve done enough apologising to last me a lifetime. She can stay mad at me if she wants to,” she walked over to where I was.

“You made her upset by what you said,”

“I’ll apologise to her if you delete that child’s number,” she said holding me from behind.

“Pat…” she was kissing on my neck. “We can’t keep doing this,”

“Then stop me,” I turned and faced her.

“You know I can’t,” I kissed her. “But what about your hangover?”

“I have my ice cream right here,” she said reaching under my dress. Her finger flicking on my clit almost had me breathless. Her phone rang but she ignored it. It rang again but I couldn’t ignore it so I pushed her off me.

“Answer your phone,”

“I hope someone’s dying,” she said picking it up. “What the fuck Max? I was in the middle of something important,” she laughed. “You motherfucker, I’m gonna get you for that,” she laughed so hard at what Max said I found myself laughing. “Fine, come pick me up later, okay, bye,” she came and stood behind me. “Where were we?”

“You were calling to apologise to your girlfriend,”

“Not before you delete that child’s number,”

“Why should I? You have a girlfriend, I should get one too,”

“You think I’m about to lose you again and to some child?”

“Baby,” she was playing with my right nipple with one hand and the other on my clit.

“Yes my love,”


“Yes?...” I turned and kissed her and things got heated.

“After all these years, I still can’t get enough of you,” she said trailing kisses from my navel to my nipples.

“Maybe it’s because we are doing this behind someone’s back,”

“I’ll end it with Sonia and I’m sure I’ll still want you this much,”


“Yes,” she was on the other nipple.

“Look at me,” she stopped and looked at me. “I can’t give you what you want,”

“what do you think I want from you?”

“A relationship maybe a family,”

“Babe, I don’t care if you hide me for the rest of our lives, as long as I get to be with you,”

“I’m a widow that’s supposed to be mourning her husband instead I’m here fucking my ex,”

“Not just your ex, the love of your life,”

“We are getting cocky, aren’t we?”

“It’s true ain’t it, even when you couldn’t remember me you still loved me,”

PatOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz