First of many

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I woke up on one of the seats with massive muscle aches and a worse hangover. It took me a while to remember where I was.

“If I knew you drank that much I wouldn’t have let you drink,” Ker said coming towards me.

“Can you please stop shouting?” She handed me some painkillers and a glass of water. “How did I even get on this chair?”

“Leon put you there,”

“Was that a joke? Because it wasn’t funny,”

“Why would I joke about that? You kissed and danced the night away,”

“Please tell me that is one of your fucked up jokes,”

“I’m dead serious. You gave her hope of you two getting back together,”

“I was drank Ker, I don’t even remember any of what you are telling me,”

“I’m letting you know what happened. That way you’ll know what you’ll be dealing with,”

“That was wrong in so many ways,” I said standing up. “Where’s everyone?”

“There's no one else here. You are the only one left,”

“I should also get going,”

“You are free to stay a while and rest,”

“I need hours of sleep before I start working,”

“Okay then, I’ll walk you out,” As we headed towards the bus stop, I got a call from Pat.

“Hey beautiful,”

“Hey Pat,”

“I called to ask if you got home safely,”

“I’m on my way home right now,”

“You spent the night there?”

“Yeah, that place is like my third home. I spend nights there often,” That was actually my first time spending the night at Ker’s place.

“Okay, cool, cool. The other reason I called is to ask if you are free tomorrow,”

“Why is that?”

“I’d love to meet up for some coffee with you,”

“I’d like that too,”

“Can we meet up at Coffey House at two?”

“Which Coffey House are you referring to?”

“The one opposite I&M building, do you know it?”

“I’m sure I’ll find it,”

“Cool, enjoy your day,”

“You too and thank you for calling,”

As soon as I got home, I got a call from Leon.

“Good morning babe,”

“Morning Leon,”

“Are you home yet?”

“I just got here,”

“I’m sorry I had to leave without goodbye. You blacked out before I could do so,”

“I don’t remember what happened,”

“I’ll remind you soon enough,”

“I have to go take a shower and sleep,”

“Okay, I’ll call you back later,”

When I woke up later that day, I found a message from Pat asking how I was doing. I replied to her text then went online and Leon called almost immediately. I didn’t want to answer it but I didn’t know how to ignore calls especially hers.

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