Ghosts of girlfriends past (ii)

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“Do you talk to Becky on any platform?”

“No, I don’t,” She lied to my face. I read the texts from when they started.

“I hope you got home safely,”

“Yes I did. Thank you for asking.”

“The four of us hanging out together again brought back beautiful memories,”

“Yeah we had some good times back then,”

“What happened?”

“You left me, remember?”

“I was a fool to let you go and the night we spent together proved it. You are still the same Pat I fell in love with,”

“It tore my heart when you left,”

“Let me fix it. Let me prove to you that you and I were meant to be together,”

“It’ll be harder for me to trust you again,”

“We can do it a step at a time,” I couldn’t continue reading.

“Pat, do you talk to Becky?”

“I already told you that I don’t,”

“Please don’t lie to me,”

“I’m telling you the truth,”

“You are not telling me the truth. I need you to tell me the truth and I’ll let it be,” I could feel myself tearing up.

“We talked while I was in Mombasa,”

“What about after you came back?”

“No, she doesn’t have my number and neither do I have hers,”

“What about on any social media platform?”

“No. she did reach out almost a year ago on Messenger but I never responded,”

“Why do you insist on lying to me? I’m giving you a chance to come clean with me,”

“I’m telling you the truth,”

“I guess someone hacked into your account and replied to Becky’s texts on hidden chats.

“Babe, I can explain,”

“I gave you a chance to come clean with me but you insisted on lying to my face. We have nothing more to talk about. Please leave my house,”

“Baby, please let me explain myself,”

“Oh you want to feed me more lies?”

“I want to tell you why I lied,”

“I don’t want to hear another word from you. Go be with her. It’s obvious you prefer her to me,”

“I don’t, it’s you that I love,”

“When will the lying stop?”

“I’m not lying to you. I love you,”

“If that’s love then-

I got chocked by my tears and I started crying.

“Baby, let me explain myself, please,”

“Get out of my house Pat,”

“Baby, you are the one that I love, I mean that,”

“Pat, if that is love then I don’t…” I swallowed hard, “I don’t want it,”

“You don’t mean that,”

“Please leave me alone,” I said wiping away my tears. “I’m giving you permission to be with the woman you love because I’ll be damned if I fought for love,”

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