Moving on

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“Becky could you do me a favour?”

“Sure babe, anything for you,”

“You remember those cookies I love?”

“How could I forget about them? You made me like them”

“Could you go get me a pack?”

Is there a supermarket or bakery around here?”

“Yeah, but they don’t have them. You'll have to go all the way to the hyper mart in town,”

“But baby…”

“Please Becky,”

“Fine, but I’m a little low on cash,”

“You can use my card,”

“Can I get myself something too?”

“Anything you want,”

Pat called a taxi for her, that woman wasted a lot of money on taxis, before she left.

“Why aren’t you leaving?” Pat asked me after Becky left.

“You really want me gone that badly huh? Isn't that why you called your beloved ex?”

“Yes, I want you gone. I want you out of my life. I want you to leave me alone,”

“That day is soon coming Pat. When you'll wake up and I’ll be gone. You won’t even have to ask me to leave or call over one of your exes to make me jealous. The time is coming where I won’t have to smoke to kill the pain of watching you be with another woman. That time is coming Pat, but it isn’t now.

However, you are doing a great job killing the love I still had for you. I can thank you for that,” I said wiping away my tears,

“Today is the last day I’m shedding tears for you Pat. I loved you too much but you aren’t worth it and can you call Krystal to come clean up your girlfriend’s mess?”

Krystal was the cleaning lady Pat trusted with her house. She came over a few minutes later and cleaned the kitchen, living room and Pat’s bedroom. Becky came back just as she was leaving.

“Sorry I took long. I saw the cutest pair of shoes and since you told me I could get a little something for myself, I did,” she said dancing the bag in her hand.

“I admire such couples,” I said without looking up from my laptop. Pat was stretched out on the couch and Becky was sitting opposite her.

“Why?”Becky asked.

“Because you get spoilt and all you have to do is sit there and look cute. Don’t get me wrong though, I don’t know how long you’ve been together or what you’ve been through but you are lucky,”

“Are you also a lesbian?”

“No, not at all. I’m straight and if I didn’t need the money God knows I wouldn’t be here,”

“You have a problem with lesbians?”

“No, not at all. My best friend is gay. She tried to hook me up with a stud once, almost two years ago before I realized she wasn’t shit and I was better off with a man,”

“Now you’re dating a man?”

“You can say that,”

“Studs and men are the same. All you have to do is feed them and love them,”

“I did that for almost two years, all I got was a promise ring, not even a shopping spree,”

“I thought you told me he took care of your son and family,” Pat finally spoke.

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