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Those shouts met us at the door.

Pat acted surprised. It was as if she knew what was going on.

After about two or so hours of interacting with her guests, there were about twenty of her guests and five of mine, who I didn’t know were coming because I thought it was just a Pat affair, she got everyone’s attention.

“Let me start by thanking you all for taking the time to come celebrate this day with me. It has been a trying two and a half months and I thank God for life, friends, love and especially for this woman right here,” she said taking my hand and bringing me closer to her,

“She has been my backbone, literally, helping me stand, walk, make sure I made it to all my doctor’s appointments, made sure I ate right and took my medication on time. Basically she made sure I was okay and comfortable regardless of the shit I put her through. That’s why I invited you here to help me celebrate her.

Liz, I wanted our closest friends to be here when I asked you this,” she got down on one knee and I started crying.

“I know you don’t like too much attention but moments like this should be shared with loved ones but they also had the same question I did; will you agree to be my partner for life?” I was speechless, my nose was running and my eyes were teary. She started laughing and handed me a handkerchief. Pat always had a handkerchief with her.

When I finally composed myself, I said the first thing that came to mind.

“I love you so much,”

“Is that a yes or a no?” Max asked.

“Yes! Yes I will be your partner for life,” She put the ring on my finger and kissed me. It was the first kiss we shared since that Saturday after she came from Mombasa. She kissed me so long people started clearing their throats trying to get our attention and they got mine. I managed to slowly pull away from her.

“Bro, kindly wait for us to leave before you consummate your union please,” one of her friends joked.

The ring was beautiful. It was black platinum with black heart crystals around it and one big one at the centre.

“You two tricked me,” I told Pat and Max.

“It was the only way we could get you not to suspect anything,”

“You think I’d buy it that you want me to take you on a shopping spree out of the blue? Ninety eight percent of the things you bought belong to Chance and me,”

“Okay, I suck at shopping for my things and I don’t know how I can solve that problem,”

“I do. I’ll take you shopping often till you get used to it,” I found myself laughing at that. “You don’t believe me? Wait and see,”

“I do have a question though, when did you get the ring? I was always with you and you didn’t leave my sight today,”

“Do you remember that day Max and I went out? The day I gave you the other ring?”

“Yes, I remember,”

“I bought two rings that day. I wanted to propose that day but you were still holding some resentment towards me that’s why I gave it to you first, to see your reaction. After I noticed things getting better between us, Max and I started planning on this,”

“Where was the other ring all this time?”

“Max had it with her because there was no where I would have hidden it without you finding it,”

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