Deja Vu d

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“I’m done with the laptop. We should wait for about two hours before switching it on again,”

“I’ll remember that,”

“I’m not talking about you. I meant me.”


“I have to be sure if it’s working correctly and nothing has been tampered with. Juice is not as easy to fix as water,”


“You could come back later if that’s okay with you,”

“No, I’ll wait. Let me tell Gabe how things are going,” She left me talking to Gabe over the phone.

“Here,” she handed me a can of coca cola. “I figured you could use that,”

“Thanks I love coke,”

“You come across as the ‘keep fit eat right’ kind of girl.”

“I’m not but Gabe is. He’s a fitness enthusiast,”

“No wonder you have curves in all the right places,” I almost chocked on my drink, “My apologies if I was inappropriate,”

“You really don’t mince your words,”

“Honestly, I can’t believe you have three kids. Gabe must really make you sweat,”

That’s how the conversation turned sexual. I was drank but not with alcohol. I was drank with her presence and her words.

Everything she said to me got me high and I was an open book. I told her my sexual fantasies. Fantasies I was always scared to tell Gabe but somehow I could tell her.

When the two hours were up my panties were soaking. She went through my laptop for a few minutes and made sure it was working perfectly before handing it over to me.

“Your laptop is fine. Just don’t pour anything else on it before backing up your data. It may not take another hit,”

“Thank you. How much do I owe you?”

“Your company was payment enough,”

“Don’t give me that,”

“I’m serious. It’s been forever since I had an equally fascinating company in my house. It’s like a breath of fresh air,” She said walking me to the door. It was raining.

“It looks like the heavens don’t want you to leave my side,” She was standing behind me and I could feel her breath on my neck. She was a few inches taller and I was getting turned on. I turned around and she moved away.

“I guess I’ll wait it out,” I said walking back to her living room. I placed my laptop on her dining table. “Your wife and I have similar taste in décor,” I said trying to change the atmosphere in the room.

“Maybe that’s why I’m attracted to you,”


“You are a walking temptation,” she said walking towards me.

“How am I tempting you?”

“You tempt me with those beautiful eyes of yours. When you look at me I forget for a minute or two that you are a married woman,”

“What does that have to do with anything?”

“Because if you weren’t married I’d do this,” she pulled me closer and kissed me. I got lost in the kiss but came back to my senses and pushed her away.

“I am married and we can’t change that,” I moved away from her.

“We can’t but we also can’t change how we feel about each other. I know you want me just as much as I want you,” she was now holding me from the back, her fingers playing with my nipples as she kissed my neck. My breathing became heavier and I loved what she was doing. Her hand dropped down to my shorts. She put her hand under my panties and played with my clit.

“Please stop,” I said in a whisper but in a few minutes I felt my body shudder.

After that things got even more heated. We were both naked on her couch and she was covering every inch of my body with kisses.

It felt like she knew my weak spots. She went down on me and it was like nothing I ever felt. I had read somewhere that lesbians had the best sex and I was sceptical about it until that moment. I felt a finger in my butthole and that almost got me climaxing immediately but then she put two fingers in my lady part. She played with them as she sucked on my clit and I was almost pulling off my hair.

However, the thing that almost drove me off the edge was when she got between my legs and her lady part touched mine and she started gyrating on it. I didn’t want her to stop. The pleasure was too much. I was coming for the umpteenth time when she got off. She directed me to sit on her face. Her tongue was better than any dick I ever had and I had to use my elbows for support.

Her lady part was facing me and I found myself eating her up. It came natural to me. It was as if I was born to eat vaginas and not suck dick. By the time the rain was up so were we. She put on her vest and boxers and then helped me dress.

“Thank you for fixing my laptop,” I told her as I walked to the door.

“No, thank you for the amazing company, you can come by anytime,” she said touching my butt. I turned and kissed her. Her hands cupped my butt cheeks and she pulled me closer while squeezing them.

Had it not been for my phone ringing we’d have done it again. I didn’t turn to say good bye. I left as soon as I picked up my phone.

I couldn’t sleep that night. Every time I closed my eyes I saw her and everything she did to me. I could feel her lips on mine, her naked body rubbing against mine and her mouth sucking on my clit. My body was yearning for her and I couldn’t control it.

I turned and saw Gabe was asleep so I went to get a glass of milk. My phone lit up and it was a message from her.

“Hey walking temptation, I know you are not asleep because I’m not and I’m sure you’re the one keeping me awake in your thoughts,” I almost giggled out loud.

“You are the one keeping me awake. Stop thinking about me and let me sleep,”

“I can’t stop thinking about you. If I knew you were this kind of a drug I should have kept off you,”

“I’m not a drug it’s just that I can’t be yours and it’s giving you a thrill. If I were you’d be bored already.”

“I beg to differ. We can even bet on it,”

“Bet on what?”

“That I’m only into you for the thrill of it. If that’s the case I’ll leave you alone but if not I don’t mind sharing you with your husband as long as you don’t double dip,”

“What is double dip?”

“Have sex with me after having sex with him,”

“After Tariq was born Gabe and I had sex because of you,”

“What do you mean?”

“He got jealous after finding out that I gave you rides so to distract him, I had to use sex,”

“You’re bad,”

“I panicked that’s all,”

“So are you going to give me that contract?”

“If you are up for it,”

“We can start tomorrow. I’m sure you can come up with an excuse to get out of the house for a few hours,”

“I’ll see you tomorrow, don’t disappoint me,”

“Have I disappointed you so far?”

“No, you haven’t and don’t lose the streak,”

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