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My phone’s ringtone woke me up.

“Leon’s calling again,” Pat said handing me the phone. She got on top of me and started kissing my body as I talked to Leon over the phone.

“I called earlier but you didn’t answer it,”

“Yeah, I was busy,” Pat was now playing with my nipples in her mouth and she was doing it so good.

“Are you asleep?”

“Yeah, I just woke up.” Pat’s finger was having fun on my clit.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes, I’m okay. How can I help you?” I said trying not to moan.

“I wanted to let you know that Jay and I will be coming to Nairobi next week and thought that we could schedule a play date or just meet for lunch,”

“Yeah, we can meet.”  Pat stopped what she was doing and walked over to her closet. “Let me know exactly when you’ll be coming so that I can get Chance ready,”

“How about on Saturday, will that work for you?”

“Do you mean next Saturday or the one after?”

“The one after,”

“It’ll work for me,"

After we hang up, I realized that the bedroom lights were on and I looked at the time.

“Oh no Pat! Why didn’t you wake me up earlier? It’s eight already. Where are my clothes?”

“They are in the washing machine,”

“What? Why?”

“Because I cleaned them,”

“Why would you do that?”

“Because it’s not right if I let you leave tomorrow in dirty clothes,”

“Tomorrow? I have to work tonight,”

“You will, don’t you only need internet and a laptop?”

“Yes, that’s all I need,”

“Then put that on and come join me in the living room,” I put on the vest and shorts and joined her. She had already ordered pizza. I sat down and she handed me a slice and a laptop. I was used to her sitting next to me when we ate on the couch but that night she took her piece and went to another seat.

“Is everything okay?” I asked.

“Yeah, why do you ask?”

“Why aren’t you sitting next to me?”

“I was giving you some space since you wanted to work,”

She didn’t tell me when she went to bed which was unlike her. When she woke up, I was winding up the day’s... night's work.

“Don’t you want to get some sleep?” she asked as I got ready to leave.

“I’ll sleep at my place,”

I could tell something was off but I didn’t want to force it out of her. I also knew that sometimes I overanalyzed situations and though I was right ninety nine percent of the time, I gave the one percent the benefit of the doubt.

I got home, took my bath and went to sleep. I woke up to a text from Pat and when I replied she called.

We talked for a few minutes before she hang up. I was certain something was wrong because we always talked for almost an hour before she let me hang up.

She didn’t text me again that day and the following day she did so after I texted her and the conversation felt forced. I didn’t text her back after that but later that week I decided to schedule a date since she wasn’t doing so.

“How have you been?”

“Good, just busy and you?”

“I’m good, I missed you,”

“Oh, cool, cool,” I went silent for a while because I didn’t know how to respond to that. “I’m a little busy at the moment, is there something I can help you with?” The audacity of the bitch, I thought to myself.

“Can we meet up on Wednesday for lunch and a movie?”

“Sorry, can’t. I’ll be busy this Wednesday but I’m free this Saturday?”

“I can’t this Saturday, I’m meeting someone,”

“Who are you meeting? Or am I not at liberty to know?”

“I’m meeting up with Leon and her son,”

“Are you meeting up with your ex? What happened to us exclusively dating?”

“First of all, it’s a play date. Her son and my boy will be around,”

“Why are you scheduling play dates with your ex?”

“I told you I encourage communication on platonic settings,”

“Whatever you say, I’m pretty busy right now. Can we talk later?” I hang up before she could say anything else. We didn’t talk again after that, not even through texts.

Leon and I hang out that Saturday and on Sunday I saw them off. I didn’t go online until Monday morning.

Pat had one status post. It was a picture of her and a pretty girl. I got jealous just looking at it. They made a beautiful couple. She had captioned; ‘When the crush finally says yes to you’

“Why the fuck would you ask us to be exclusive if you were going to go back on it?” I asked when she picked up her phone.

“You were the one who went back on it. Going out with your ex in the name of a play date,”

“Fuck you and your crush,” I hang up and she called back but I disconnected the call and barred all her calls and blocked her from every social media site she could reach me at. I even marked her emails as spam.

“What’s going on between you and Pat?” Ker asked when we met for lunch.

“Nothing, we simply realized that we couldn’t work,”

“Is that something you both talked about or did you come to that conclusion on your own?”

“Does it matter?”

“Yes it does, because she called me asking me if you were okay because she couldn’t reach you on any social media site,”

“That is her problem, not mine and can we talk about something else?”



On Friday night around midnight, the gatekeeper called and told me I had a visitor. I wasn’t expecting anyone but sometimes my plug made surprise visits when he was broke and had an offer or he’d send his girlfriend because it was much safer.

I went to see who it was because the gatekeeper called me a second time and said this person insisted I go see them.

“Pat, what are you doing here?”

“Baby, I’m so sorry,” she came and hugged me. I could tell she was intoxicated.

“It’s okay, let’s go inside,” I was still mad at her but I couldn’t afford to let her talk while outside and arouse the curiosity of the gatekeeper.

No one in that building knew I was gay and I wanted it to remain that way. As soon as I locked the door she pulled me closer. I forgot I was mad at her when she gave me a kiss.

She didn’t let me touch her that night and she only let me go when I squirt. I had never cum that much in my whole life. I blacked out as soon as she lay next to me. I woke up to kisses on my shoulder and collarbone. She got on top of me when I finally opened my eyes.

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