Guardian Angel

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The next day, I took my laptop and sat down to get some work done but as soon as I switched it on my mind went blank and I couldn’t do anything but stare at it. The doorbell brought me back. I was scared to get it because I thought it was someone coming to ask for their money. The help went and got it.

“Come in,” I heard her say. I was expecting the worst but to my surprise it was Pat.

“Pat, what are you doing here?”

“I was in the neighbourhood and decided to check up on you,”

“How did you know where I lived?”

“I’ve known where you lived since you moved. I just didn’t want to freak you out,”

“Am I getting a stalker vibe from you?”

“Not at all,” she said laughing. “I just needed to know you’re safe that’s all,” she gave me a hug and this time I was the one holding on a little longer.

“Please have a seat, can I get you something to drink?” I said finally letting her go.

“A glass of cold water would be nice,” she said sitting down. The help brought her some and we started talking.

“Mama Chance, I’m taking lunch to the kids but I won’t be coming back. I don’t want to add on to your problems so just send me what you owe me when you finally get some money,” Carol, the help, said after she called me aside.

“Please Carol, just give me a few more days and I’ll settle your debt,”

“I’m sorry mama Chance, you still owe me my wages for last month. I have responsibilities that need money urgently so please just send me what you can, when you can,” she took the bag with the kids’ lunch and left.

“Is everything okay?” Pat asked as I sat down. I couldn’t talk so I just nodded. “Are you sure?” I broke down. I had reached my limit.

She took me in her arms and I cried. I had had enough and I couldn’t take anymore. “Talk to me,” she said after I had calmed down. I told her all my troubles including Gabe’s betrayal and how I was expected to forgive a dead man but I couldn’t.

“All I wanted was someone that would help me out until I was mentally ready again but I guess I asked for a lot. No one understands whatever it is I’m going through. They all say I’m lazy and irresponsible. I’ve tried Pat but I can’t. It’s all too much for me to take in at once. I’m in the verge of giving up and ending it all,”

“First of all, forgiveness takes time. You can’t forgive him just like that, dead or alive. Give yourself time to take it all in but I also want to help you,”

“I can’t ask you for help. It wouldn’t be right. I don’t want to be a bother,”

“Before you are my ex, you are my friend. You might not remember this but we started out as friends before we got exclusive. What I’m trying to say is that I want to help out a friend. Just tell me what you need,”

“I just need the kids fed that’s all. If they are fed I can find a way to get around on the rest,”

“That can be done. What about you? Have you been eating?” she asked taking my hand. I had lost a lot of weight not just because of the stress over-weighing on me but also because of skipping on meals.

“Yeah,” I took back my hand, “I was trying to lose weight and I got what I wanted,”

Talking to Pat was like the fresh air I needed. We talked about a lot of things that didn’t involve our lives.

Joelisa was so excited to see Pat, she invited her for dinner. I had to include myself that night because I didn’t want Pat to know things were that bad.

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