Deja Vu c

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“Will we pick up Pat like we did with mommy?” Joelisa innocently asked her dad.

“Who’s Pat?”

“Mommy’s friend that dresses like a boy,” Gabe looked at me.

“I don’t think so but if you do see her let me know,” he said helping her with her bag. I called Pat as soon as they left and she told me that it was her week off.

“Can we talk in the bedroom?” Gabe asked when he came back from his drive.

“Can’t it wait till I’m done feeding the baby?”

“No, it can’t,” I called the help and asked her to finish doing it.

“Who’s Pat?” he asked as soon as I locked the door.

“She’s no one special,”

“Who’s Pat?”

“She’s a stud I met sometime back and we became good friends,”

“Good enough to give rides to in the presence of our kids?”

“Her car broke down and she works a few minutes from the kids’ school. What was I to do leave her there? Why are you overreacting?”

“Overreacting? Wouldn’t you act the same if you heard that I was giving some strange woman a ride in our car?”

“Pat is a woman. I am not a lesbian,”

“But you had a dream you were married to a woman by the same name. Was that a coincidence?” He’d flip out if he knew it was the same woman.

“I’ve never seen you this jealous. It’s actually turning me on,” I said walking towards him.

“We are having a serious conversation here Elizabeth,” My hands were under his t-shirt caressing his body.

“I like it when you get all serious and tough,” I reached under his shorts and he was already getting hard. “Do you want to continue having this serious conversation or do you want to please your wife?” He scooped me up and lay me down on the bed. He made love to me but it was Pat I was thinking about.

When he was done we took a quick shower and started working.


“There’s something wrong with these instructions,” I said giving him my laptop. That was two days after he found out about Pat. “Go through it. I’ll be back,” I went to the bathroom and almost came out half dressed when I had him shout.


What’s going on?”

“Tariq poured his juice on your laptop,” he said trying to dry it using tissues.

“Did you switch it off already?”

“Yes, I already did,” The first thing that came to mind was to call Pat.


“Hey Liz, How are you?”

“I’m not okay. My son poured juice on my laptop,”

“Yeah, that’s not good,”

“Can you recommend someone who’d do some justice to it because you told me you weren’t around,”

“I may not be at work but I am still available. Can you bring it over at my place?”

“Are you sure?”

“Let me send you my address,” She hung up, sent it then called back.

“That’s just around my neighbourhood,”

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