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“I can’t believe there’s a whole human growing in you,” Pat said kissing my stomach.

“Believe it baby, that’s our little human growing in there,”

“I never thought it was possible to love someone you haven’t seen yet so much. I can hardly wait for you to join us little guy so we can shower you with love. Your big brother will be so happy to finally have you,”

“That I’m sure of. I’m hungry. Let me go fix us something to eat,”

“Sit right there, I’ll do that. What would you like to eat?”

“Do we still have left over fries?”

“I think we do,”

“Will you please make an omelette with them?”


“Like when you’re making the omelette you add them in there,”

“Are you testing me or is it what you want to eat?”

“If you don’t want to make it, why offer to do so?”

“I’m going babe, relax. I do pray that the baby will have more patience than you do because he or she has drained the little you have,” she said as she walked towards the kitchen. She was there for a few minutes before a knock came.

“I’ll get it,” I shouted from my seat.

“Hi,” the lady at the door said. She was light in complexion and her makeup looked professionally done. She had on a little white dress and gold stiletto heels. Her braids fell over her shoulders and some were in a bun on top of her head.


“Is this Patricia Mukami’s residence?” she asked putting her sunglasses in her gold purse that hang over her elbow.

“Who’s asking?”

“Tell her Bunny’s here,” Before I could turn Pat came to the door.

“Baby, who’s that at the-

“Long time SquarePants,” the lady said.

“OH MY GOSH! BUNNY!” Pat screamed. I had never seen Pat that excited. They hugged and Pat lifted her off the floor. A voice in me spelt doom but I quickly rebuked it. I went in and found my meal already at the table.

Pat and her guest came in a few minutes later.

“Liz, this is Bunny, Bunny this is Liz,” Pat introduced us. I wanted to ask her why she introduced me as just ‘Liz’ yet she always introduced me as her wife to her friends but I bit my tongue and let it slide. “Bunny and I went to the same high school until her parents moved her to Germany to be with her grandparents. She was two years my junior,”

“I’ll never forgive you for that,” Bunny said.

“What did she do that’s unforgivable?”

“She dared me to come out to my best friend who then snitched on me to my parents,”

“How was I to know she was that ‘saved’? The girl always acted funny around me so I thought she was bi,”

They started reliving their high school days. I got bored and went to take a nap. It was dark when I woke up and I could hear them laugh from the bedroom.

“Would you happen to have any pending orders that I can work on?” I sent a text to Gabe.

“I thought you don’t work weekends,”

“I don’t but I’m bored and I need the distraction,”

“Do you want a listening ear instead?”

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