Yet another chapter

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After a month of continuously searching, we found a recommended clinic that dealt with fertility matters. It was all new to me. The last time I went to a gynecologist was immediately after I had my son and that was because I thought there was something wrong with my vagina.

We scheduled a meeting to see if we could start the process whenever we wanted. We were aiming for anywhere around our birthdays, either July, which was hers or August and we wanted to prepare early. They ran tests on me and told us to go back for the results a week later.

“Can we start the process around November?” Pat asked a little impatiently.

“There were some irregularities with your hormones. We need to do another test just to make sure everything is okay,”

“What is wrong with her?” she had this worried look on her face.

“We can’t tell exactly what the problem is without this other test,”

“Okay, let’s do it,” I said.

They did a full body scan on me.

“We found a tumour near your thyroid gland that makes it hard for it to produce the TSH hormone,”

“Is the tumour cancerous?” I asked and Pat took my hand in hers.

“We will have to take a sample to determine if it is or not,”


“As soon as you are ready,”

“Can we do it today?” Pat asked.


“The sooner we know the better,” she said.

“Yes, we can do it today,”

They took a sample and said they’d call us as soon as the results were ready.

That weekend was Chance’s birthday and we had already made plans. Pat always went out of her way to make sure Chance had it good.

That was the third one we were celebrating together and the second as a couple.

We drove to out of the city where she had made arrangements for all of us, that included my parents, siblings and their kids. The birthday was fun and everyone enjoyed it. Pat didn’t leave my side and almost gave us away. She wanted to display some affection a few times but I stopped her on her tracks.

My family knew she was my best friend and now roommate and that’s how I wanted it because I knew them a little too well. The others went home but the two of us rented a room there for the night. “Creating memories,” is what Pat called it.


“The good news is that it is not cancerous,” the doctor said when we went back for the results. I felt a huge weight lifted off my shoulders.

“What’s the bad news?”

“You will have to have it removed sooner rather than later. The position it is in will affect a number of body functions like temperature regulation, menstrual cycle, which I’m sure has already been affected, it can also lead to growth of cysts which will make it harder to fertilize your eggs and other issues,”

“We would like to get a second opinion before we make any decision,” Pat said.

“By all means,”

Pat scheduled an appointment with a doctor from a public hospital. That was because she didn’t trust doctors from private hospitals. She always complained that they were always after money but she rarely went to a public hospital when she fell ill.

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