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I didn’t hear from or about Bunny for two weeks then she came over. I was home alone while Pat was out running an errand and wasn’t going to be long.

“Pat’s not around,” I told her while we were still standing at the door.

“I know, I came to talk to you,” she said letting herself in.

“Me? What on earth do we have to talk about?”

“Pat told me how controlling you could be, she even told me your concerns about me and you know what? You are right. You should be worried because your days with her are numbered. Pat was mine from the start and I’m here to get her back,”

Was I in the Twilight Zone or something? Did this woman just threaten to end my relationship to my face? I was speechless. I was tongue-tied. How was I going to reply to that?

“I also know that you two are expecting a child that’s why I’m letting you know early enough so that the shock of losing her doesn’t affect your child. A single mother of two? You better start on those articles and save up in advance for your kids,”

“Do you have something against me?” I finally asked.

“No, it’s not personal. I don’t even know you. However, the fact that you took the love of my life and are playing house with her is a huge problem. I’m not a bad person that’s why I’m telling you right now, you either painlessly and slowly withdraw from this place and her life or I do it the hard way,”

Her words might have triggered something in me because I slapped her hard across her face. Unfortunately, Pat was at the door and heard it and she quickly came in.

“What is it?” she asked, “What’s going on here?” she saw Bunny holding her cheek. I was still mad and it always took me time to find my words when I was angry or sad.

“I came to assure her that she had nothing to worry about after you told me about her concerns but...,”

“How did that turn into a physical altercation?”

“I told her that controlling you like that will only push you away and she slapped me,” she said crying. “I’m sorry for coming to your house Squarepants. I know you warned me about her swinging moods and little patience but I didn’t think it was this bad. This is the last time I’m setting foot in this house. From now on, you’ll be the one to come find me,” She left and Pat ran after her.

I knew there and then that she had won and it was only a matter of time before she completely took her away.

“What has gotten into you Elizabeth? Why the fuck would you slap Bunny for telling you the truth?”

“What truth? Because the truth I know could be different from yours,”

“Your controlling ways will be an issue. You were never like this, what happened to you?”

“Oh, so now my controlling ways are an issue? Because Bunny told you her truth you don’t want to hear my side of the story. You know what? Go be with that manipulative bitch. You two will make a cute couple,”

“You are the manipulative one,” I was on a slapping spree because I ended up slapping Pat after that statement.

It wasn’t our first disagreement but it was the first time we slept angry at each other. She didn’t sleep in our bedroom for the whole week we didn’t talk to each other.


“I’m going home for some time. It’s obvious we need some time away from each other to cool off,” I sent her a text.

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