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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

I felt my blood boiling like a molten lava. I told him very clearly to stay put, i told him to wait for me. What the fucking hell is so difficult for him to understand that. I know that I'm alive only because of him, if he didn't have shouted at ke i would have been dead by now but he is more important, his safety is my responsibility. If he died I'd be dead anyway.

I finally dealt with the rest of them, called the cops and handed them over. I also provided them the statement about killing a man in my defence. I had too many witnesses so it was easy to convince the officer. Once everything was done, the police was off, the store was cleared, i took Kim back to the car.

He was unconscious but i still can't believe he risked his life to save mine, the most stupid decision i have ever made.

"I only said one thing to you." I let him lie on the seat, stretched the seat behind and got seated on the driving seat. It's good that i should leave here before anything could happen. One thing that i really was thankful about is the mask that he was wearing. It was very likely that if those thugs would've seen him they would've recognised him right away.

The thought alone ignited me, i pressed the race harder and with the speed of light, entered the apartment complex where Kim is staying. He's still out cold, I don't know if he's hurt or why he lost consciousness. I had to get him in and let the doctor check on him. I should've waited for the ambulance at the sight of incident, or should've let the doctor examine him but there were so many people and exposure to such audience was dangerous.

So on my way back home, i called the doctor, he was there as i reached home. I laid Kim on his bed and let the doctor check on him. I didn't move an inch from my place cz I don't trust this doctor as well. Last time when he came here his aura was suspicious, and now when i saw him gliding his hand over Kim's soft chest and arm for more than he should i can never leave him alone with him.

"Doc, you do realise that your intensions could get your ass in alot of trouble." I had to give him an initiative that i know what he is doing. He needs to stop this.

"I don't know what you are talking about, mister." The doctor has such audacity to speak back knowing he was just being a dick.

"I appreciate your naiveness, but if your hand got to his chest one more time, i might have to pull it out of it's socket. That wouldn't be very convenient for you." I saw fear flashing in doc's eyes. Good thing he understood my words. I was already enough pissed to even do it if he defied my order.

"I'll write him some medicines, be sure to give it to him on time." The doctor said and started written it. He never once locked eyes with me again.

"Thank you, you can leave now." I was not in a mood to walk him off. Doctor was quick to pack his bag and leave. I sat beside Kim for few minutes and then got off too to cock something. He didn't eat properly the whole day, and cooking and being alone for some time might calm my infuriated ass as well.

I tried everything but i was unable to calm my self down. How could Kim be such stupid to risk his life for, he jumped in to save me, just how stupid is it of him. What if he got shot? Or the one who was pointing a knife at his neck would have pressed it and he could've been dead. Anything was possible!

I was so into my thoughts that I didn't hear any sound around me. It was only when i heard his voice. "How did we get home?"

The question was very predictable as he fell unconscious so he had no idea how do we got home but it brought back all that happened today at the convenience store. I lost control of my feelings and i lounged toward him. He was standing near his room's door. I don't know what got into me, i was towering him in no time.

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