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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Not proof read, ignore the mistakes please, i cried enough while writing I can't read it again now please!

This whole week has been the worst and most painful week of my whole fucking existing life. I hate this, i hate how fast the days pas buy, i hate how everyone just keep living and how the fuck each and every fucking thing keeps on living and blooming like nothing happened!

Hell broke loose on me and nobody even fucking cares, nobody cares if it did. I'm worthless as always, pathetic as always, used fucking piece of meat who is nobody in this whole fucking world of happy people.

My chest, which became of stone once again felt ghe strings getting pulled in an iron fist, pain shooting to every last point of every fucking vein in my body. He blood which runs warm in other's body ran like a ice sickle in mine. Everything hurts, so fucking hurts, take a breath, closing the eyes, opening the eye lids, even fucking living hurts!

I wanna die!

Jimin said he'll be back in 30 minutes, I don't know how long will he take, but i need someone beside me, please i need to see someone or my own darkness will consume me, please help me.

Whoring around and then acting innocent?

Leave the baby, Ray!

It's my turn now, step aside.


Baby boy, you body is such an inviting place, take me as yours!

"5.....4......3.......2........1" my breath started to disrupt, the pain is getting too much, my ears started busting with the hooshhh sound of air, no one is there to hear. "J-Jim—"

"TaeTae, I'm sorry i got a little late." And here he came, i breathed aloud, i need to get enough air to my lungs.

"You look good, why didn't you wear the tie?" Jimin asked as he stood infront of me and corrected my collar, like this marriage was not just the showcase of my aching heart.

"It's just a formality, Jim............It's only—- i feel like dying." I as usually and as pathetically cried while Jimin's arm oh so softly wrapped around me. This was not really meant to happen, i was meant to be happy atleast in my own life. "Why id it happening to me? Why me?"

"Tae, listen my love. You deserve the world, no one, and i mean it, no fucking one will hurt you. I will not let any single person to do that, not even your father. This—- This marriage, if you don't want it, ít won't happen." Jimin said and i so wanna laugh at him. He knows me better than anyone yet he thinks i have the fucking guts to do that? To stand against this decision. It has been thought for me and will happen, father will make it happen.

"She's here to marry me, i was left alone for that purpose only. I just—- i just need to cry this ache one last time, kill my own heart once and for all, and then there'd be no reason to cry for. I can't just pluck him off my soul, he's enchanted himself there, but i can learn how to live without my very soul. It's—-i'll—- i'm gonna kill the very part of myself. Once and—-once and for all." My hands trembled so badly in the soft hands of Jimin's. The pain on his face was what mirrored my eyes.

"Tae, Taehyung, you are so—-"

"Don't Jimin. Don't say anything, I'm barely holding ụp myself." I stopped him for saying anything that'll only add fuel to fire. "Can i lay my head on your shoulder, it's heavy to sit straigh—-"

"I'm proud of you, Taehyungie." And with that Jimin hugged me, the barrier that i kept over the storm in my eyes broke, the flood wrecked my whole face. This was not meant yo happen, we were meant to be happy, i was meant to be happy!

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