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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Consciousness returned to me gradually, like a fog lifting to reveal reality. My surroundings materialized—the sterile white of hospital walls, the steady beeping of monitors, and the faint scent of antiseptic. How long had I been drifting in this half-conscious state? I blinked, trying to make sense of it all, and then it hit me like a wave crashing against the shore. "Mr. J?" My voice was a raspy murmur.

Mr. J's presence at my bedside was a steadfast comfort. His gaze met mine, relief dancing within his eyes. "Hey, you're awake."

Tears welled up, an overwhelming mix of emotions I struggled to put into words. "How long...?"

He leaned forward, concern etching his features. "You've been out for two weeks, Silver."

Two weeks. Two weeks of my life vanished, swallowed by darkness. "Safe...?"

His hand found mine, a gentle squeeze. "You're in the hospital. You're safe now."

Emotions surged within me—fear, relief, gratitude for still being alive. Mr. J was my anchor, a lifeline that brought me back from the brink. "Thank you."

His smile, warm and genuine, eased the tension within me. Time blurred, a haze of pain and uncertainty, but Mr. J remained by my side.

As the sun dipped beneath the horizon, casting an amber glow, Mr. J's voice broke through the stillness. "You know, sometimes the battles we face within are the hardest."

I turned my gaze to him, drawn to his earnestness. "You've faced them too?"

A vulnerability flickered in his eyes, mirroring my own fears. "You have no idea, Silver."

His admission resonated with me, like a shared secret that bound us together. "I'm scared," I confessed softly.

Mr. J's grip on my hand tightened, his gaze unwavering. "It's okay to be scared. But you're stronger than you realize."

His words found a home within me, offering comfort and strength in the midst of my vulnerability. "I'm scared of losing," I admitted, my voice trembling.

Mr. J's thumb brushed over my hand in a soothing gesture. "Losing what?"

"Everything that's important to me," I murmured, my heart laid bare.

Mr. J's gaze held mine, a silent understanding passing between us. "You don't have to face it alone."

In the day that followed, pain was my constant companion, but Mr. J was my lifeline. He filled the air with stories—his memories, one who lived but seemed not to remember. In turn, I found myself sharing my own fears, my doubts, and the turmoil that had been brewing within me.

"Why do you call me 'Silver'?" I asked again, even though I remember i have asked him this before, my curiosity piqued.

Mr. J's lips curved into a half-smile, his eyes distant. "Because you're like silver, Silver. Shining and resilient, even in the darkness."

His words caught me off guard, a mixture of surprise and warmth flooding my chest. His answer is different from last time but it's even more beautiful "I don't feel strong."

"You are," he insisted, his voice unwavering. "And you don't have to pretend otherwise."

Our conversations became lifelines, bridges that spanned the gaps between us. With each passing moment, I felt drawn to him in ways I hadn't anticipated.

In the ensuing hours, as pain and discomfort ebbed and flowed, we talked. About dreams, about hopes, about the future we both longed for. Mr. J's stories kept my mind from focusing on the pain, his presence an anchor that grounded me.

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