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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The days merged into a hazy continuum as I found myself sitting alone in my room, each passing moment echoing the tumultuous events that had unfolded. Jimin, a steadfast presence by my side, seemed to sense the weight of my silence. As I brooded over the fragments of the past, my mind became a battleground of conflicting emotions.

Jimin sat beside me, his eyes reflecting concern as he ventured into the realm of conversation. "Taehyung, it's been two weeks. You've had your time to process, but we can't keep dwelling on the silence. What do you want to do now? You can't stay silent forever."

I sighed, my gaze fixed on the distance outside the window. "Jimin, I just need time. I'm not ready to talk about it."

His expression hardened with determination, recognizing the need to confront the unspoken truths. "Taehyung, you can't keep shutting everyone out. You need to share what happened. Let us help you. Jungkook is gone, but we're still here for you."

I shook my head, my reluctance evident. "I appreciate your concern, Jimin, but some wounds are too deep to share."

Jimin persisted, undeterred by my vague responses. "Taehyung, you've been through so much. I can't stand seeing you like this. We all want to help, but we can't if you won't let us in. Tell me what's bothering you. Open up."

As the tug of war between my desire to confide and the fear of exposing my vulnerabilities continued, I remained ensconced in my fortress of reticence. The room echoed with the unspoken, leaving Jimin frustrated and me submerged in the turbulent sea of unresolved emotions. The burden of the unspoken truth loomed overhead, threatening to engulf me, yet the walls of my silence stood resilient.

Jimin's frustration was palpable as he stood up, pacing the room with restless energy. "Taehyung, I understand that it's difficult, but you can't keep everything bottled up inside. It's eating you alive. Letting us in doesn't make you weak; it makes you strong."

I remained silent, wrestling with the conflicting emotions that tore at my insides. The memories of those haunting nights and the piercing questions that Jungkook left behind were like a tempest, swirling relentlessly in my mind.

Jimin sighed, stopping in front of me. "Look, I'm not asking you to spill everything right now. But keeping it all to yourself won't heal anything. You've got friends who care about you, who want to share your burden. Let us help, Taehyung."

His words lingered in the air, a plea wrapped in genuine concern. Despite the weight of his sincerity, I hesitated. The wounds were still raw, and the fear of judgment lingered like a shadow. Opening up meant exposing the darkest corners of my soul, and that vulnerability felt like an insurmountable abyss.

Jimin, sensing my inner turmoil, softened his tone. "Take your time, Taehyung. We'll be here when you're ready. But don't shut us out completely. You're not alone in this."

As he left the room, I found myself alone once more, grappling with the deafening silence that reverberated through the space. The decision to unravel the intricacies of my torment felt like standing at the edge of a precipice, torn between the safety of concealment and the unknown terrain of vulnerability. The battle within continued, leaving me suspended in the unresolved echoes of my own silence.

The days stretched on, each one a monotonous blur, as I confined myself to the solitude of my room. The familiar faces of my father, Jimin, and even Jimin's father sought entry, attempting to break through the barriers I had erected around myself.

One evening, as the sunlight waned and shadows danced across my room, my father entered with a gentle presence. He sat beside me, his eyes mirroring concern. "Taehyung, my son, you've been closing yourself off for too long. Please, talk to me. I want to understand, to help."

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