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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

We've just got back home. Yeah, we, Me and Kim are we now. The past few days has worked good in our favour, specially that rice cake. Okay before i start feeling overprotective and a boyfriend material I've a debate in my defence that he was annoying me so i finally made him that cake. But the good thing is Kim has became a human, more like a mature person. It's been like two days and we have never even bickered. He's a good boy now.

"Ah, I'm so tired." He breathed out loudly and fell on the couch like someone just pulled a soul out of him. He's so wholesome, I've been keeping an eye on him since couple of days and those small noises that he occasionally make, or the little unconscious dance he do whenever he's walking around and many other his childish gestures are so cute. Too odd for his age but cute nonetheless.

"You want me to make lunch?" I asked him. I'm tired too, but he gets extra cranky when he misses a meal or gets less sleep.

"Umm, can we have something good?" Really? He always eat a topnotch meal yet he still whining about something good.

"What is it that you want to eat?" I asked. History is the witness that he even makes a face on the plate of steak so i refuse to suggest him anything.

"I want to eat out today." He said his index tapping on the chin. "Maybe a fried chicken and bear."

"Well, I'd like to stop you there. Eating out is off the charts." My announcement had his smile drop faster than a shooting star. He was frowning and looking at me like he could jump at me and could claw my face in no time.

"Then cook whatever you want, why do you even give me the hope?" Just like any other time he's facing away from me, legs spread on the couch, pants off as soon as he reach home. And his long tan legs doing there works quiet well——on me.

"Will Kimchi Fried rice be okay?" I asked again.

"Does 'whatever' rings any bell to you?" His sassy mouth is something that i can never cover. I have to stop him and the only way seems like to be my very own weapon——that's enough.

"Alright, go and change. I'll see what can we have." I said left before my own body starts getting out of my hand. I don't know what the hell is he a little devil but every single thing about him as a different effect on me like my other client had on me. I heard him sigh and he walked to his room, it takes 30 minutes for him to fresh up enough time to prepare anything i want. I got busy with lunch.

After 30 minutes i was setting the table, bowl of his favourite on the table. I placed a can of Cola at his side and a beer on mine. I can tell he'll be jumping as soon as he'll see the food. "Kim, lunch's ready. Hurry up."

I haven't heard anything in reply. Is he not done with shower yet? He never takes long showers, not that i have seen him since I'm here. "Kim?" Still nothing.

I stood up and walked to his room, knocked on the as usual locked door. Still, it's quiet, he's never done that before. "Kim this isn't funny, i want you out now!" God where's he? Where the hell did he go? I was left with nothing else to break into his room and see if he's hiding somewhere.

I was inside inside his room and he's not here, not even hiding, not even here. Where the hell can he go i have heard him walk into this room. Where the hell is he? "KIM?"

I can feel myself panic, never have it ever happened that i lost my calm like this. Even at the vent of convenience store, i was alert but this time i have this sudden panic taking over me. It's like my heart is scared this time and it's been so long that I've felt like that. I ran out of his room, letting my eyes see for the last time how he has decorated his room. It's cool and cozy.

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