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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow upon the room. As I stood by the window, my thoughts swirled like the dust particles caught in the sunbeam. The previous night's events lingered in the air, a heavy cloud that refused to dissipate.


Jimin's confrontation had been unexpected, his words a relentless assault on my carefully constructed walls. He had cornered me, his voice unwavering as he dug into the truth hidden beneath my stoic facade.

"You can't fool me, Mr. Bodyguard," he had said, his gaze piercing. "I've seen the way you look at Taehyung, the way you're willing to put everything on the line for him."

I had scoffed, attempting to brush off his observations. "You're reading too much into it, Mr. Park."

He had taken a step closer, his eyes narrowing with determination. "You're not fooling anyone. Not me, and definitely not yourself."

His words had struck a chord deep within me, a chord I had long tried to silence. I had turned away, unable to face the truth that was now laid bare.

End of Flashback

The tension in the air was palpable as Taehyung moved around the kitchen, his actions deliberate yet hesitant. I watched him from a distance, the weight of my own turmoil making it difficult to meet his gaze.

"Mr. J," he finally spoke, his voice breaking through the silence.

I turned toward him, my expression guarded. "Yes?"

He fidgeted with the hem of his shirt, his gaze fixed on the floor. "Is there something wrong? You've been acting distant since."

His words were a mirror to my own thoughts, a confirmation that my inner struggle was not going unnoticed. I chose my words carefully, not wanting to reveal too much while still addressing his concerns.

"It's nothing, Silver. The usual stress and stuff."

He looked up at me, his eyes searching mine for a deeper meaning. "Is that really all?"

I hesitated, the truth threatening to spill forth. But I couldn't allow it. The boundaries between my duty and my emotions had already blurred too much. "Yes, that's all. Besides, you don't have to worry about me."

The disappointment in his eyes was like a punch to the gut, a sharp pang that resonated within me. He turned away, returning to his tasks with a heaviness in his movements. "It's not in my control, you mean—- i was not wrong when i said i like you."

As the day wore on, the distance between us became more pronounced. Taehyung's attempts to engage in conversation were met with short responses, my own internal battle casting a shadow over our interactions. The house that had once been a haven felt suffocating, the walls closing in on me.

Nightfall brought little relief. The moon's gentle glow seeped into the room, casting shadows that mirrored the fractured state of my emotions. Taehyung had retired to his room early, and I found myself standing by the window once again, staring out into the darkness.

A soft knock on the door broke my reverie, and I turned to see Taehyung standing there, his expression a mix of apprehension and determination. "Can we talk?"

I nodded, my heart pounding as I stepped aside to let him in. We settled in the living room, the air thick with unspoken words.

"Mr. J," he began, his voice a fragile thread, "I can't ignore this any longer. Something's changed between us, and I deserve to know what it is."

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