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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

I can't breathe.

I can't breathe....

I need air, the walls of the great hall are closing in on me... I can't breathe.... But I can't move as well. This hurts so fucking much. Every attempt to breath hurts. I just saw him, he.... The one i love with my whole existence was right in front of me, kissing someone else, holding someone else, taking blessings..... I can't fucking do anything!

"I knew everything. I know everything. Everything you were trying to safe me from, i knew it since ages. Maybe communication have been better than the betrayal"

What does that mean? What do he know? Do he know his father isn't..... Oh, what the hell, what the fucking hell this game is that the universe is playing with me!

"You should get going now, Jeon." I heard his voice. My hands itching to grip his throat and smash his head across the wall. He ruined me, he ruined us.

"It was beautiful. My son just got married, he deserves to live a peaceful happy life and his wife can give him that. No one needs you here. Thanks for your services, your fees has been transferred to your account and the contract has been terminated. As per our discussion on your hiring you have successfully completed 3 months here now Mr. Jackson Wang will be back to his service." Mayor was enjoying it. I can see the happiness radiating from his old wrinkled face.

"Thank you for your other services as well, thank you for keeping my son safe all these months and being more than a bodyguard. He really needed a friend, you were a great companion for him. Even in the future if his offsprings needed services you'll be my first choice." He added again and i can see through him, he fucking is building a strong cover for his future attack. The people around us smiled wholeheartedly while the mayor appreciated me.

For the first time in my life i felt useless, i felt like i have nothing in my control. This isn't me, i always have things figured out before they are needed but for the first time in my life I'm clueless, I'm scared, i fucking terrified. Mayor indeed has played the best game, he defeated both of us with his master mind, Me and Silver both lost even before trying and it's all my fault.

It hurts, oh my universe, it hurts so fucking much. Does the angels Silver believe in are watching? Can they not do anything too? Can anyone do anything to lessen this pain and make us together like we were supposed to be? Help me.....help us!

"The car is outside, you'll be taken back to agency with protocol. Thank you for what you have done for my son. I'll always remember you." Mayor poured the last layer of butter to his beautiful pudding made of our lives.

My voice has died down, I can't find my will to make words! Mayor did us dirty.

"He loved you, Jeon, he loved you alot. How can you do this to him!" This was another voice. I was standing outside the hall, the car was waiting for me. I can't even register what's happening around me, I can't..... but i can see Jackson standing face to face with me, we are alone.

"I love him too." The words slipped out of my mouth before i can stop them. And then the tear slipped before I stopped it, then another and another and soon my face was drenched in them. "I love him too, wang."

I never thought i'll be this weak but Silver makes me weak in a way that I can't hold myself. I leaned forward and soon i was on Wang's shoulder. I need support to stand, my legs feels like jelly, i'll drop down if I didn't hold anything and Wang's shoulder was that support. "I loved him more than anything."

"Then why did your leave him when he so vulnerably confessed to you? Why the fuck did you hurt him so bad?" Wang's concerned. I can tell he's so fucking concerned about Silver.

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