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The room felt like a sanctuary of shadows, the dim light casting a veil over the pain that dwelled within. Jimin's comforting presence surrounded me, his embrace a desperate attempt to bridge the chasm of silence that had swallowed me whole.

Jimin spoke words like a soothing melody, a repertoire of memories from our shared past and anecdotes from my childhood. Each sentence held a piece of our history, a history that seemed distant in the face of the recent storm that had swept through my life.

My head rested on Jimin's chest, the rhythmic thud of his heartbeat a counterpoint to the turmoil within me. His words lingered in the air, dancing on the precipice of my consciousness, yet I couldn't bring myself to respond.

"Why don't you talk to me, Tae?" Jimin's voice, soft and pleading, reverberated in the room. "Remember that time in high school when we stayed up all night, sharing our dreams and fears? We could talk about anything. Why is it different now?"

Silence clung to my lips, heavy and oppressive. Tears welled up in my eyes, a silent testament to the storm raging within. Jimin's unwavering embrace cocooned me, offering solace in the face of my unspoken agony.

"Do you remember the time in the park when you were a kid?" Jimin continued, his voice laced with nostalgia. "We used to chase butterflies, and you would laugh so freely. I miss that laughter, Tae. I miss you."

His words echoed through the room, evoking memories that felt both distant and painfully present. I remained silent, the weight of my unspoken truth anchoring me to the abyss of my thoughts.

Jimin tightened his embrace, as if trying to shield me from the darkness that threatened to consume. "Taehyung, you don't have to carry this burden alone. Please, let me in. Share the pain, and maybe together, we can find a way to heal."

Tears escaped the confines of my eyes, tracing a silent path down my cheeks. The words lingered on the edge of my tongue, a tumultuous sea of emotions waiting to be unleashed. Yet, the fear of vulnerability, of exposing the fractures within me, held my voice captive.

In the cocoon of Jimin's arms, I grappled with the deafening silence that had become my refuge and my prison. The unspoken words hung in the air, a poignant melody of pain and the promise of an elusive catharsis.

Jimin's voice, a gentle melody of concern, continued to fill the room as he carefully navigated the delicate subject. "Tae, I need to know... about Jungkook. What do you want to do now that he's gone? How can we make it easier for you?"

His words hung in the air, an invisible thread connecting my tumultuous thoughts to the present moment. The mere mention of Jungkook stirred an ache within me, a sharp pang that resonated with the echoes of his absence.

Jimin's gaze bore into mine, searching for answers that I hesitated to give. The room seemed to constrict around me, suffocating me with the weight of unspoken confessions. I took a deep breath, my voice a fragile whisper in the silence.

"I... I don't know, Jimin," I admitted, my words teetering on the edge of vulnerability. "It hurts, and I can't forget him. No matter how hard I try, he's still here, in my thoughts, in my heart."

Jimin's arms remained a steadfast refuge, offering solace in the face of my admission. "Tae, it's okay to feel this way. Losing someone you love is never easy. But we need to find a way to move forward. What do you want, Tae? How can I help you heal?"

The room seemed to blur as I grappled with the conflicting currents of longing and pain. "I don't want to forget him, Jimin. I just want the ache to go away. It's like he's a part of me, and without him, I feel incomplete."

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