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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

Sitting in Justin's cluttered office, the hum of a busy workday played as background music to a silent standoff. Papers strewn across the desk and a chaotic array of folders reflected the disarray of my thoughts. Justin, sporting disheveled hair and fatigue-lined eyes, leaned back in his chair, the embodiment of someone teetering on the edge of exhaustion.

"Jungkook, we need to discuss the new project. It's a significant one, and I believe you're the right fit," Justin said, his tone a mix of encouragement and concern. I kept my gaze fixed on a point somewhere beyond his shoulder, a silent resistance to whatever he was about to propose.

"Why are you refusing this project, Kook? You've never turned down a challenge before. Is everything okay?" Justin's voice softened, an attempt to pry beneath the stoic facade I wore like armor.

The unspoken truth lingered between us—a truth I couldn't find the words to articulate. The aftermath of my abrupt departure from Taehyung's life weighed heavily on my shoulders, a burden that blurred my focus and muddled my determination.

"I need a break, Justin. Personal stuff," I replied vaguely, my words carrying the weight of unspoken turmoil.

Justin leaned forward, his eyes searching mine for answers. "Jungkook, I get it. We all have personal issues, but we can't let them hinder our professional growth. Talk to me. Maybe I can help."

His genuine concern felt like an echo in the vast emptiness I had created within myself. The chaos of emotions stirred beneath my calm exterior, a tempest I wasn't ready to face.

"I just need time," I said, offering no further explanation. My refusal to share more left Justin with a pained expression, a mix of empathy and frustration.

As he sighed, glancing at the scattered papers and unfinished work in his office, I realized that my unresolved turmoil had seeped beyond my personal life. It had infiltrated the professional sanctuary I had meticulously built, leaving a trail of disorder in its wake.

With a resigned nod, Justin conceded, "Take the time you need, Jungkook. But remember, we're a team here, and we're here to support each other."

As he continued to discuss the project details, I remained a silent spectator to the dance of words. My mind, however, lingered in the uncharted territories of the past, where memories of Taehyung and the echoes of a shattered promise held me captive.

In the midst of Justin's explanation of the new project details, my mind veered away from the discussion. The polished words about deadlines and deliverables became distant echoes, drowned out by the haunting echoes of my own silence and the unresolved emotions that gripped my soul.

As Justin outlined the client's expectations, I found myself lost in the labyrinth of memories. Taehyung's eyes, once filled with trust and warmth, haunted the recesses of my mind. The weight of his unspoken pain bore down on me, a responsibility I couldn't shake off.

"Jungkook, are you even listening?" Justin's voice pulled me back to the present, but his eyes hinted at a deeper concern.

"I need you on this, Kook. It's a game-changer for the company," he emphasized, trying to bring my attention back to the professional realm.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair, feeling the weariness seep through my veins. "I understand, Justin. Just give me a bit more time. I'll get back on track soon."

His expression softened, a blend of understanding and worry. "Okay, but don't let it drag on for too long. We're a team, and we need you at your best."

With a nod, I gave him a half-hearted assurance. The weight of my personal struggles threatened to spill over into my professional life, creating a dissonance that I couldn't ignore.

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