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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

In the deafening silence that followed Jungkook's abrupt departure, I lay there on the bed, my body frozen and my heart shattered into a million pieces. The echo of his harsh words lingered in the room, haunting the air with a cruel reality that I never anticipated.

The slam of the door startled me, breaking through the numbness that had settled over me. I turned my gaze toward the closed door, but my mind was consumed by the remnants of Jungkook's cutting words. Each syllable felt like a dagger to my heart, leaving wounds that I wasn't sure would ever heal.

As the unshed tears finally began to flow, I didn't even bother to put on my clothes. Pulling the comforter over my body, I curled up, clutching it tightly against the overwhelming ache inside me. The room seemed to close in, suffocating me with the weight of my own despair.

In the quiet solitude, the pain that I had tried to bury beneath layers of smiles and laughter came rushing back, flooding my senses. The man I loved had left, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. The realization that I might have lost him forever crushed me, and the sobs escaped my lips uncontrollably.

I lay there, a vulnerable silhouette in the dimly lit room, my tears soaking into the fabric of the comforter. The waves of grief washed over me, and the walls seemed to absorb the echoes of my heartache. In that solitary moment, I allowed myself to confront the depths of my pain, grappling with the harsh reality that love could be as painful as it was beautiful.

The pain still cracking my heart open and the body thất hurts with the traces of Mr. J's touch all over it. Every inch of my body hurts, even if it's been just few minutes that he walked out of my door, the pain is unbearable. Is this....is this all? Was our story meant to bloom this much only? Are we...are we never—- STOP THINKING THAT!

It hurts.....it hurts so much!

"I'll be very careful with you, Silver. I'll try to be as gentle as possible. We won't rush; we'll make love at our own pace. I don't just want your body; I want to love you with all I have."

I should have kept my composure, he said he'd be gentle. Yet, i made it all wrong.

In the solitude of my thoughts, I found myself trapped in a maze of regret and self-loathing. Mr. J's promises, the sweet whispers of love and understanding, echoed hauntingly in my mind. "I'll be very careful with you, Silver. I'll try to be as gentle as possible. We won't rush; we'll make love at our own pace. I don't just want your body; I want to love you with all I have."

The harsh reality weighed heavily on my shoulders. The vulnerability I had exposed, the raw truth I had shared about my past, now felt like a mistake of colossal proportions. Mr. J's reaction, his cutting words, played on a loop in my mind. "Why didn't you tell me before? Why the fuck didn't you tell me that you have been a sex toy to two men already?"

Each word felt like a dagger, piercing through the fragile bond we had built. The contradiction of his assurances and the reality of his departure left me shattered. "Nothing in this world could tear us apart. And your past is nothing to me; I accepted you by heart, Silver. Please tell me."

Yet, as I lay there, abandoned in my dark haunting room, I cursed my own truth. My heart ached with the burden of Mr. J's rejection, and the promise of love he had made seemed like a distant dream. The room, once a sanctuary of healing, now echoed with the silent sobs of a broken soul.

I sent curses to myself for letting my guard down, for unveiling the darkest corners of my past. The intimate vulnerability we had shared, the promise of a deeper connection, now felt like shards of shattered illusions. The words that were supposed to bring us closer had become the very instruments of our separation.

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