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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

"You okay?" I asked looking at my left where he sat, head hanging between his shoulders, eyes closed and he's been sitting like this for atleast 10 minutes.

"How easy is it for anyone to leave." He slurred. His words are slippery, his face red. I was on my high alert when he lifted his head and looked at me.


"Like, leave me alone, leaving me all alone behind on the mercy of a man who calls me my father. Dirty little man~" his word's edges were long and starchy. His words were not making sense, and i saw him taking another shot, he has already took 15 shots ever since we came here.

"It's so noisy here,—" he looked at me, his finger poking my left cheek, eyes narrowed at me and s smile slipped off his face. "—scold them, ask them to stay silent, I'm trying to grief here."

"I think we should go home now." I suggested. Looking at him like this i can tell that it'll be only matter of time that he'll making his appearance known. Taehyung has been trying to do this ever since he came here.

"No! I don't like that square space, I'll stay here. I'll sleep here in the rooms, above this—— you stay with me, i need protection right?" And he snickered only to himself. The bourbon shots were doing there work dam well, his red face got more heated and he looked like a freshly plucked tomato.

"Don't fuck with me. I respected your request, now be a good boy and listen to me." I had to have him stand up now. It's 11:40 pm and soon the mid night will hit, Seoul might be a great place to be but it's certainly not good at midnight, and the fact that being at bar adds more to it.

"How respectfully did you ask me." He giggled again, his shoulders shaking at the quiet laughs and then he stopped, as in right away. He started looking me in the eyes and gradually his own got filled with tears, unshed tears that threatened to fall out any minute.

"Kim?" I reached my hand to his shoulder and called. Looking at him i can definitely tell that there's a hell of things he's keeping in his mind, no body can stay quiet there whole day locked in there room. Especially not a chatterbox like him.

"Mr. J, am i not worth being loved?" His innocently pleading eyes looked at me making me speechless. It was hear threatening for me, what makes him think like that? I had to question him.

"Why would you say this?" I called softly, my hand brushing the lone strand of his hair behind his ear. He looks damn hot from up this close. He's like a royalty who's out of everyone's league but still in the dreams of every single person.

"What would you choose? I being alive or dead at you hand" I can tell he was going out of his mind no one ask anything like that in sanity. I kept looking at him, but I can't reply to him, I think nobody will, I don't know if it is the drinks are there is something else at his mind that I was unable to read but that time.

"What the fuck is this question?" I looked at him as in i was disgusted. I can tell that my expressions were super gross cz that made him back away from me and look at the other side, did i just hurt him? But i clearly didn't say much. Our booth was VIP, there were few people in there but still he was exposed to many threats, he's loud, without a mask, and I don't have my gun with me. It makes me super nervous.

"I'm sure you want me dead too." He replied softly, but the softness was more hurt induced than peace. His hands were still around the glass rim, his lo g fingers draped on glass covering it fully. He was surely made with love, God might have busied all his angels while making him. "After all who wants a burden on their shoulders."

I can filter him from afar, the whole day he was quiet and on edge, I'm sure today's—-my phone ringed pulling us both out pf our stupid minds.


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