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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

I stumbled into the dimly lit apartment, my steps heavy and uncoordinated. Jimin followed me silently, his concerned eyes glued to my back. The world around me felt hazy, as if I were moving through a thick fog. The ride back home was a blur, a series of images that failed to register in my mind. My heart pounded, not with the excitement or anticipation I had hoped for, but with the sharp ache of disappointment and rejection.

The air in the room hung heavy, filled with the remnants of our shattered conversation. The once familiar scent of home now seemed foreign and unwelcoming. I collapsed onto the couch, feeling the cool leather against my trembling body. My hands, still shaking, traced invisible patterns on my thighs as I tried to process the events of the day.

The silence between Jimin and me was suffocating, amplifying the echoes of Jungkook's words. His rejection echoed in my ears, each syllable a sharp stab to my already wounded heart. "Maybe that's the end for us." The words replayed in my mind like a haunting refrain, a painful reminder of a love lost.

I stared blankly at the empty space in front of me, the TV flickering with muted colors that failed to capture my attention. The room, once filled with warmth and laughter, now felt cold and desolate. The weight of Jungkook's indifference pressed on my chest, creating an unbearable void within me.

Numbness enveloped my being, making it hard to distinguish between reality and the cruel illusions my mind conjured. I felt detached, as if I were floating in a sea of emotions without any anchor. The pain was so intense, it felt as if someone were clenching my heart in an iron fist, each squeeze echoing the ache of abandonment.

The tears I had held back in Jungkook's presence now threatened to spill over. I bit my lip, attempting to hold back the torrent of emotions threatening to engulf me. My hands fisted the fabric of my jeans, the physical pain a feeble distraction from the emotional turmoil within.

Jimin's voice finally broke through the silence, a gentle inquiry cutting through the heavy air. "Taehyung, are you okay?" I wanted to answer, to convey the storm of emotions raging inside me, but my voice betrayed me. It was lost amidst the echoes of Jungkook's harsh words.

I glanced at Jimin, his eyes filled with genuine concern. Yet, even his comforting presence couldn't fill the void left by Jungkook's rejection. I felt like a ship adrift in a storm, tossed by waves of heartbreak and despair.

As the reality of the situation settled in, I realized that the love I had yearned for was slipping through my fingers. The agony of unrequited love was a bitter pill, one I never anticipated swallowing. In the midst of the desolation, all I could do was surrender to the numbness, letting it wash over me like a relentless tide.

Jimin's concerned gaze lingered on me, his voice gentle as he spoke, "Taehyung, you don't have to pretend. It's okay to let it out." But how could I express the turmoil within me when the mere act of breathing felt like an unbearable burden?

"He doesn't want me, Jimin," I whispered, the words barely audible. "After everything, after opening up, after pouring my heart out... he just tossed me away like I was nothing."

Jimin moved closer, his warmth a feeble comfort against the chilling emptiness that now defined my world. "Taehyung, he's not worth your tears. You deserve someone who sees your worth, who cherishes you."

A hollow laugh escaped my lips, devoid of any mirth. "Maybe he's right. Maybe I am just a burden, a broken piece that no one wants to deal with."

"Stop saying that," Jimin pleaded, his voice tinged with frustration. "You are not a burden, Taehyung. You are a beautiful soul, and anyone who can't see that doesn't deserve to be a part of your life."

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