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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

The next morning, I awoke to the soft rays of the sun gently filtering through the curtains. Taehyung was still sleeping, his head resting on my chest, his breathing slow and steady. The events of the past few days had taken their toll on him, and I couldn't blame him for seeking solace in sleep.

I carefully extricated myself from his embrace, not wanting to wake him, and made my way to the kitchen. The aroma of fresh coffee filled the air as I prepared a pot. It was a quiet morning, a stark contrast to the turbulent emotions of the previous week.

As I sipped my coffee, I couldn't help but reflect on how far Taehyung and I had come. We had faced challenges and demons from the past, but we had also discovered a love that was stronger than any adversity. I felt a deep sense of responsibility toward him, a desire to protect and cherish the beautiful soul I had come to love.

I was determined to create a future with Taehyung that was filled with happiness, where he could heal and leave the darkness of his past behind. I knew it wouldn't be easy, and there would be hurdles along the way, but I was willing to face them all. Our love was worth it.

Returning to the bedroom, I found Taehyung stirring from his sleep. His eyes blinked open, and when they met mine, a soft smile graced his lips.

"Good morning, Mr. J," he greeted, his voice warm and filled with affection.

"Good morning, Silver," I replied, bending down to kiss him gently.

As I settled next to him, "i made you a breakfast. Hurry up freshen up."

"Can you do that again?" Taehyung said softly and shifted even more close to my body, lifting his head and putting it in my lap.

"Do what again?" I said with the confusion.

"Carry me like you did yesterday. I fee so tired, can't even move." I can tell he was only being lazy, he did nothing and he is tired,  still i can do all he want.

I carried him to the washroom, helped him wash up, fresh up and then left the fresh pair of clothes on his bed and left his room. I walked out to dish us the breakfast.

"I've decided to take leave today. I'm not going to school today." Taehyung said as soon as he sat down on the dining table opposite to me.

"Why?" I asked him with a raised eye brow.

"Because I'm tired and I've decided that I'll stay home and annoy you." He said it such naturally that i was left to only look at him.

Even i couldn't say anything during the whole breakfast, and then it was true, he didn't go to school. I didn't back down easily i tried all i can but he used his trump card, he started crying and there i had to back off.

Once done We sat on the couch, our bodies close but not quite touching. The faint scar on my arm had caught Taehyung's attention, prompting him to ask. I looked down at the scar, tracing it with my fingers as if revisiting a distant memory.

"It looks so ugly, want to share what happened?" Taehyung's voice was filled with curiosity and concern.

I hesitated for a moment before deciding to share a part of my past with him. "My mother used to love her little collection of blades. She often used to test their sharpness. This scar is just the result of one of her tests."

Taehyung's eyes widened, and I could see the empathy in them. Such a horrifying experience, and I could discuss it without flinching. The scars on my body told a story of pain and suffering, but they were also a testament to survival.

Taehyung reached out and placed a hand on my arm, his touch warm and comforting. "You've been through so much, Mr. J."

I offered him a small smile, grateful for his understanding. "We've both had our share of pain, Taehyung. But we can help each other heal."

Inveigled Chaperane (Taekook)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant