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Ignore the mistakes 🙏🏻

I was fuming with anger. What the hell do this old man think of himself. He'd be a mayor for the world but he's a fucking father. How the hell can he spill this shit for his own son, his only son.

I saw Kim falling back on the ground, his eyes closed, naked to with dried blood on it. I swear i never thought i can see anyone as brutal as my mother but i pity this boy here, he's helplessly scared of his father.

"Kim?" I called dreading that he might get triggered. It's been almost 15 minutes since Mayor left and the last thing that Kim said was those hopeless words, I don't like him even feeling like that.

"Stand up, you body's already sore enough, you need to sleep now." I have to make him go to bed or else I don't know what will happen. As much as i have seen I don't think more worse could happen to him.

I hate him saying anything like that but i hate myself even more for still feeling those feelings for him, this possessiveness and dreadful pull toward him. He's right, he's the one whom i work for, i have to keep my feelings out just like i always do, getting involved with him is a dangerous call that I don't want to take.

"Kim, stand up." O bent down to tap on his forearm. And as soon as i did he flinched and stood up. Looking at him i can tell that he's still not in his control. In mayor's presence he had a full restraint over him but now he's out of it. That control is lost.

He flinched and pushed me away. His eyes unfocused and his breathing ragged. I tried to hold him again but he was not even letting anything to come in contact to him, he kept pushing me away. "Stay away!"

"Kim, calm down." I said but i doubt that he heard that:

"Leave me alone, leave me alone!" He was waving both his hands to keep me out of his reach. He was hyperventilating and his face was filled with sweat. It felt like he was seeing a ghost or the scariest thing that happened to be a nightmare for him.

He kept shouting and hitting him in chest after his father's vist, I tried to calm him down but failed miserably so at last i held him again the wall, face pressed in the hard surface while my arm rest right at thr back of his neck. I had to make sure I don't press his wounds, they were fresh and bloody. My left hand slowly moving up to his hair and caress them. I can see how easily the other calmed down, the tears are still falling but he stopped shouting. He's still trembling through,

"Calm down." I kept my hand moving, i kept my eyes on his face and still kept my voice soft. "Good, you are doing good."

"I'm sorry." He cried.

"You've got nothing to be sorry about, yeah?" My eyes never once left his face. He didn't reply though. "Go to your room, rest, I'll bring you food there." He needs to eat, he hadn't had anything other than bourbon and food will be a valuable distraction knowing his condition.

"Cuh-can i help?" Kim looked up at me, slowly trying turning his body.

"You want to?" I asked. He only nodded his head. "Then come with me."

"Thank you."

"You've got nothing to thank abounding either." I said and we both accompanied each other to the kitchen. I cut the vegetables he cooked them, i pulled the bread out and beat the egg. Looking at the time we thought to have sandwiches. Once everything was ready i wrapped the sandwiches in a butter paper and sat down across the table. Him kept looking at his plate and i kept looking at him. "This can't jump in your mouth."

"Huh?" He was so out of it, he wasn't even listening. While cooking he kept me company but he didn't say anything he hardly payed attention.

"Sandwich, you would have to take it and bite it." I saod again with a smile aiming that he will start smiling but he didn't. He kept looking at his plate. I had to feed him so i stood up and came to his side, "say ahh"

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