Chapter 5

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During lunch Somi didn't say anything about the marriage proposal. Even when her daughter asked her "why are you so happy today?" she answered "you'll know" while grinning at Jungkook who could just awkwardly chew on his food.

She waited for her husband to come home at evening so she could talk about it with him.

Now it's already evening when Somi was in the kitchen, preparing tea for her husband who must be returning home now and In-haa was watching some show on the TV. While Jungkook was in the garden.

The front door of their house opened alarming the mother daughter duo.

"Sup, dad" In-haa waved her hand at her father but in return she got a little smack on her head "always on phone or TV" Hyebin tsked.

She pouted and aggressively changed the channel.

Somi's face lightened up upon seeing her husband "Binie! I have some exciting news for you!" Hyebin frowned "Hmm? What is it?" He asked. Somi shook her head in denial "you go freshen up, I'll say you everything later, peacefully" she grinned.

Hyebin sighed and nodded before going up to their bedroom.

Later, after showering he was drying his hair when Somi entered their room with the same smiley face. Hyebin raised an eyebrow "now tell me?" He asked

Somi sat on the bed's edge and pulled her husband to sit beside her "today Jin oppa came here and blasted a bomb" she giggled while Hyebin shook his head. Why is his wife like this?

"What bomb?" He asked "marriage bomb" Hyebin frowned "what?"

Somi nodded "yes, Jin oppa asked for our Kookie's hand in marriage for Daehyung!" she chirped happily "for Daehyung? Really!? That's good!" Hyebin exclaimed, a surprised yet happy smile forming on his lips "I'm feeling kind of proud that they asked for our son first" he grinned widely while somi rolled her eyes.

"We should talk with Kookie about this so that we can take this thing further or just stop it here" Hyebin tsked hearing his wife "stopping it here will be a great loss" he paused for a moment but then continued "but our son's decision is the most important here, for us" Somi smiled at her husband and nodded

"Should we talk with Kookie tomorrow?" She asked, to which Hyebin shook his head "no. After dinner. We should not keep them waiting" he looked at his wife who nodded.


Jungkook sat up on his bed when he heard a knock on his door and soon his parents entered the room.

His heart started beating fast thinking that maybe they came here to talk about the marriage thing.

"We have something to talk son" his father smiled and Jungkook doesn't feels quite good about this.

Nevertheless he nodded and patted the empty place on his bed, motioning them to sit.

His father sat across him while his mother sat beside him and held his hand, making him even more nervous.

"Today your uncle Jin talked about something serious with your mother" he gulped hearing his father and looked at his mom who nodded "yes and you know, he asked for your hand in marriage" she smiled.

Jungkook cursed under his breath and stared at Somi with horror in his eyes but then turned his head towards his father who started speaking "he asked for your marriage with Daehyung" Jungkook shut his eyes and dropped his head. Gosh, he doesn't want to hear this.

"The decision is all yours" Hyebin started as Jungkook's eyes again went to him "But we still suggest you to give it a chance. You know Daehyung, he is a good—"  "Perfect!" Somi interrupted as Hyebin nodded and continued "yes, a perfect guy. You'll be in benifit choosing him"

Jungkook didn't say anything but snapped open his eyes when his father asked "or, do you have someone in your mind?" He vigorously shook his head saying no "well then, we'll leave it to you now. Whatever you decide" Hyebin sighed

Both Hyebin and Somi stared at him, maybe to say something. But he doesn't know what to say now. He gulped and started "uhm– may–maybe you should arrange a meeting first then I'll say whatever my final decision is(?)" Jungkook said it more like a question but his parents just smiled.

"Whatever you decide Kookie. We aren't forcing you" Somi caressed his hand

Jungkook nodded and saw his parents getting up and leaving his room. Both mumbling small "good night" before closing the door.

He just stared at the closed door, not being able to make his mind stable.

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