Chapter 18

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"Isn't it time already? Why has nobody come yet?" Jungkook asked Jimin while a feeling of uneasiness started building in his gut.

Jimin sealed his lips not knowing what answer will calm down his bestfriend. He was also in the same room as Jungkook for hours, how would he know why were they being late.

"Why am I feeling like something bad is going to happen?" Jimin snapped his head towards him and glared "shut up, will you? Why do you worry so much? Why are you assuming everything in negative? Uncle must be coming, so sit still with a positive mind" Jungkook sighed and looked down on his lap.

What will he do? He really feels like something is going to happen. Maybe because this marriage is stressing him too much or maybe because he always felt negative about this. Whatever it might be, but right now, when his father is delaying, he doesn't feels good.

He grabbed one bottle of water and opened the lid before gulping down some to calm his mind.

That's when the door opened revealing his father, and sighs of relief went past the two bestfriends' lips when they saw Hyebin smiling.

He walked to his son and stared at him for a good minute in silence before raising his hand to caress his cheek "you look beautiful, my son" he said with a fond smile while the other two males present in the room got surprised. Because compliments from Jeon Hyebin are like normal dreams.

Jungkook smiled back and mumbled "thanks dad"

Hyebin turned to face Jimin, still with the smile present on his lips, and said "I want to talk to him in alone, Jimin" no, not at all was his tone rude or something like that, rather it was just like how normally people speak.

Jimin nodded and gave Jungkook a smile before leaving the room.

Jungkook then turned his attention to his father who was already staring at him "I just want to say that" he paused to take a seat beside his son and continued "whatever is waiting for you, you accept that, okay? Don't question me or anybody during the wedding. After the wedding's complete you will get to know everything. I promise. You always did what dad said, I hope you will do the same this time too" Jungkook frowned. What is he saying? What will he get to know? He has already accepted this wedding, what more?

"What do you mean by I will get to know everything after wedding dad?" He asked while Hyebin shook his head, not even for a second his smile disappeared.

"I said right now, don't question me or anybody. Now let's go" he stood up followed by Jungkook who still had a frown on his face.

Hyebin sighed "don't worry, everything's fine" Jungkook's frown eased a little as he forced a smile and nodded.

Hyebin took his hand in his own and made his way out of the room.

While walking, Hyebin chuckled silently to himself. Everything is going according to him. What he wanted was happening. Maybe there was a little hindrance but he still got things right and back to his hands.

He really didn't expect Taehyung to agree that time though. He thought of him as a spoiled brat but guess what? He isn't like that. He got some brain, which definitely benifited Hyebin.

But whatever. Hyebin got what he wanted now he just wishes Jungkook to follow what he said, then today's night will be his.

He can never miss a chance to marry his son to the Kims and the ruin in his reputation was a cherry on top.

He would never let that happen.


Jungkook took a long breathe and clutched his father's arm with his right hand while his other hand held a beautiful bouquet of flowers.

He glanced at his father, who too looked back at him when he felt his son's gaze on him, and smiled.

"Remember what I said right? Whatever's waiting for you is for your own and your family's good, so accept that. Okay?" Hyebin again repeated his words to which Jungkook nodded. What else can he do? He was said not to question and even if he does, he knows he won't get an answer so he just nodded and looked straight.

Following after, the door opened and he lowered his gaze to the bouquet in his hand out of nervousness and started walking.

But he didn't know that when he would look up to see his groom, all his nervousness will be long forgotten and that would be replaced by shock.

At this right moment, he can't believe his eyes.

"What the heck is going on?" A shocked Jungkook whispered to himself while walking down the aisle. Big, shocked eyes glued on his not so supposed groom.

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