Chapter 13

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"what's wrong?" Namjoon asked once he saw Daehyung declining the call and returning back to where the Kims and the Jeons were sitting.

The party was over and everyone was gone now, leaving just the both engaging families. In the middle of the ceremony, Daehyung got a call which made him restless and after everybody from the family noticed it, they decided to end the party a little earlier.

Daehyung sighed gloomily "apparantly they are asking me to go Japan and work there until the project is completed" he explained while everybody's eyes widened

"What!? You well know you can't go now! Your marriage is in 2 months!" Jin complained while Namjoon rubbed his hand to calm him down

"I know but if I leave this instance then I'll be able to come back by time" Daehyung said and looked into his fiancé's eyes "and about Jungkook, I believe after marriage I have the rest of my life to spend with him"

Jungkook looked away while nervously bitting his lips. "But brother isn't it your time to enjoy? Isn't this a special moment of your life? You are ready to sacrifice that?" Taehyung asked, turning Daehyung to face him.

"The project is almost over. Just for the remaining part they want me on the site. We can't risk anything right now, this project will make a good profit for the company, and we can't just let it go!" Daehyung raised his voice at the last part trying to make everybody understand.

Everyone just sat there in silence, mind full of worry. Then suddenly Hyebin started "it's ok son. You are right. You have your rest of the life to spend with my son. Go, try to finish everything in time and come back" Hyebin smiled at him and then assured Namjoon and Jin to let Daehyung leave for now.

Still with restlessness in heart, Jin nodded "if Jungkook doesn't has any problem with it then we'll ignore it too" Namjoon said and stared at his soon-to-be son-in-law for an answer.

Jungkook looked up at him and then nodded "I agree with him" he said and looked at Daehyung before again lowering down his gaze, while a frown appeared on Taehyung's face after hearing him.

Daehyung smiled at him for understanding, although Jungkook was not looking at him. Namjoon sighed and nodded his head "go and try to complete your work as fast as you can. You understand?" He asked his elder son who nodded vigorously and thanked everyone for letting him go at this moment.


"Kim Daehyung and Jeon Jungkook are going to be tied together by a thread of marriage" Taehyung read out from the invitation card and rolled his eyes.

An invitation card sample, to be exact.

It's been a few days since the engagement night and today Daehyung will be leaving for Japan and coincidentally the invitation card's sample arrived today morning which the Kim family is currently examining.

Daehyung came downstairs with his luggage while Taehyung stood up from the couch, where he was sitting with his fathers, as he was going to drop his brother at the airport along with Jungkook.

Yes, Jungkook was also going to see off his fiancé.

"I'll leave now" Daehyung said and proceeded to hug his dad and papa, who hugged back and gave some usual advices. Parents you know.

By the time he was at the main door, Taehyung was already in the car, waiting for him to join in.

They picked up Jungkook, who was standing by his house's gate and drove off to the airport.


"Take care of him, for me. Yeah?" Daehyung mumbled to his brother as he hugged him tightly.

Taehyung sighed audibly and nodded, hugging back his brother before the announcement was done about the next flight departure, also in which Daehyung had to fly.

Daehyung pulled back and gave an assuring smile to Taehyung before gripping his suitcase and glancing at his fiancé one last time.

Jungkook waved at him and gave him a smile which disappeared in no time. Daehyung nodded and finally walked away to check in at the counter.

"Let's go" Jungkook turned his head towards the owner of the words and nodded, bitting his lips. Taehyung's voice seemed oddly cold, making Jungkook think that maybe he was angry.

They just made their way to the car and drove to their houses with utter silence.

While, Jungkook was now getting nervous sitting beside Taehyung who had a demeanor he never dealt with. He saw Taehyung clenching his jaw while thinking about something. He must be really pissed. Jungkook thought.

Jungkook got out of the car once they arrived infront of the Jeon house. "Thanks for the ride" he mumbled and closed the car's door.

He walked across the car and once he opened the gate, Taehyung opened his mouth to speak.

"Listen up" he got out of the car while Jungkook turned around to face him. "I wanted to talk" he said, his eyes and voice dripping coldness.

The younger just stared at him before nodding.

"Let's talk inside" he said.

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