Chapter 24

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Jungkook flinched when Daehyung threw a vase, which was near to him, just by his feet.

"Kim Daehyung!" Namjoon yelled as he threw Daehyung in the opposite direction from Jungkook.

Taehyung immediately rushed to the younger and inspected whether he got hurt. "Are you alright!?" He asked to the younger out of worry and took him a few steps away from the broken pieces, all the while his arms securely wrapped around his husband.

Whilst Jungkook couldn't help the way something warm crept inside him at Taehyung's caring gestures. He couldn't help the way he just stared at Taehyung as if he was spellbound.

But then he was brought out of his trance by Daehyung's yelling.

"Why!? Why you ask!? Because you weren't supposed to marry him! You were going to marry me!" Daehyung again tried to march towards Jungkook but his father was quick enough to block his way.

Jungkook removed Taehyung's hands from his body because truth to be said he was getting distracted by them, by the skin to skin contact.

He stood straight and stared dead into Daehyung's eyes.

"Yes I know that. But what you don't know is I don't love you. I agreed for our marriage just for my parent's sake but turns out they don't care for me the slightest. It was just me sacrificing my own happiness. And now if I am ended up with your brother instead of you then remember–" Jungkook paused for a moment before again continuing "it was not something I was given any choice to. But now whatever happens to this relationship will be mine and Taehyung's decision not anybody else's."

"It was your mistake you couldn't make it why are you weighing it on everybody's head but yours?" Jungkook finished and Daehyung remained quiet for a few seconds before he raised his head to flash his teary eyes at his brother and leaving the house hastily, ignoring his parents' calls.


Taehyung sighed as he plopped down on his bed with closed eyes.

He feels like a sinner. His brother's betrayed face appears infront of his eyes no matter how many times he tries to ignore it. He loves his brother too much to ignore. He can't let the fact slide that he is married to someone his beloved brother loved. He can't let it slide that he and Jungkook were never meant to be together. It was just because of the situation they were in that they ended up marrying eachother.

He got up from the bed in distress and shifted to the couch.

Getting forced into something could never be his fault but accepting what was never meant to be his will be his fault.

He heard the bathroom door open and soon Jungkook entered the room.

He glanced at Taehyung and stopped on his track when he found him utterly restless on the couch.

"Taehyung" he called out and for a moment Taehyung froze on his seat before he stood up and faced him.

"What is it?–" "if two days ago anybody would have said that you are going to marry me, would you have ever believed them?" Taehyung interrupted Jungkook as he asked.

The younger frowned at the question but nevertheless answered "no"

"Would you have accepted that?" Taehyung asked again and Jungkook's answer remained the same "no"

"Are you accepting this now?" This had Jungkook's mouth shut.

Well he never said that he is accepting this marriage and he wants to build a life with Taehyung. No, never. But he hasn't thought of denying it either.

"I never said that I'm accepting this" Jungkook replied while Taehyung was up with another question "then you are not accepting this. Am I right?"

Jungkook couldn't understand why was Taehyung bringing up this right now. They discussed and agreed that they should give themselves some time first to atleast regain their own right state of mind. Then why is he suddenly demanding answers from him?

"Yeah, I've not yet" Jungkook said meekly and sat on the bed but Taehyung's restlessness was not getting rest.

"Why are you suddenly asking me all this? We agreed to give ourselves some time, didn't we?" Jungkook asked as he looked up at the older.

"But giving ourselves time won't solve this. Whatever we have right now is something we both never wished for. Because of this my brother is heartbroken. There's only one solution to this and the sooner it is the better it is." Taehyung finished speaking while Jungkook frowned, confused "what solution?" He asked.

"Divorce. Let's divorce."

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