Chapter 25

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Jungkook was too stunned to speak for a second before he regained his composure. Well there actually wasn't any good end for this forced relationship. Divorce was an easy option and could have happened any time. And if Taehyung's wants it now, he won't deny it.

"Okay, we can but let me clear one thing for you. If you think that after we divorce I will get back with your brother then no I'm not doing that. We divorce and I leave." Taehyung sat back down on the couch and nodded without looking at the younger.

"Nobody from this family will want you to get back with hyung without your will, I can assure you that but I don't want to live with this ugly feeling of guilt on my chest." Taehyung confessed and looked up at Jungkook who nodded as a response.

"Let's contact the lawyer tomorrow?" Taehyung asked while the other just let out a quite "okay" before proceeding to unplug his phone from the charger on the nightstand.

But being the clumsy human he is, Jungkook couldn't help the way his phone slipped out of his hand like a soap and landed directly on his left foot "Ow!"

Taehyung, who was on his way to lay down, stopped mid way when he heard the younger's yelp of pain.

"Hey!" Taehyung rushed to Jungkook before crouching down beside his legs and removing his hand which was soothing the bruise to see the area of the bruise flushed red on his pale white skin.

He tched and opened one drawer of the nightstand to fish out an ointment but got none so he opened another and luckily got one. Well he is a little (lot) messy so everything is just here and there.

He gently applied the cream on the bruise but still managed to earn a whimper out of Jungkook.

Once done, the older looked up at the younger only to find himself getting lost in the glassy pair of eyes.

It must have hurt a little too much to fill the younger's eyes with tears or is he quite sensitive? Taehyung wondered.

"Thanks" Jungkook mumbled before breaking their eye contact and also bringing the older back to earth.

Taehyung gulped before facing away from the younger because he suddenly had a weird thought of wiping away his tears even before they fell from his beautiful doe eyes.

"It's okay" he mumbled back before getting up from the floor and making his way to his temporary bed.


"He came last night?" Taehyung asked his father and took a seat on the couch.

Namjoon sighed and shook his head "but he did call us last night, saying that he won't be staying with us anymore" Taehyung frowned.

"What does that mean?" He asked while Jin nibbled on his lips nervously "he will move in to his house" Namjoon said, making his younger son completely shocked as well as sad.

Daehyung was going to leave this house after marriage and he had no problem with that but now when he is leaving, the reason is he and Jungkook. It's crystal clear. It breaks his heart that his brother is leaving their house because of what he did.

Taehyung ducked his head down and rubbed his forehead as he could feel a headache kicking in early morning.

After a few seconds he finally decided to speak "we have decided to get divorced" he looked up at his parents to find Namjoon calmly looking back at him but Jin had his mouth gaped open.

"Are you sure? You both married just day before yesterday and now you decided to divorce? I'm not saying that I don't support you. This is completely upon you two what you would like to do but just make sure that you aren't taking any decision out of hasty." Jin paused and sadly looked down.

"There's already so much going on in life. I want you both to be completely sure about what you are going to do further." Jin vocalised his worry and continued staring blankly at the floor as many thoughts filled his mind.

"We are sure, uncle. We talked about it." Jin looked up when he heard another voice and found Jungkook talking to him "And moreover this divorce could have happened anytime, so why waste time?" Jungkook smiled at Jin who motioned him to sit beside him.

He obeyed and sat beside the older but then his eyes went to Taehyung who was already looking at him with his dark orbs and he could easily make out the worry and sadness present in them.

Jungkook stilled.

Since when did he start reading Taehyung's eyes? Since when did he start to feel the emotions behind those eyes?

He teared away his eyes from Taehyung when Namjoon started speaking "we support you both with your every decision" he said and Jungkook turned his head towards Jin who smiled at him and nodded.

Taehyung woke up from his seat and declared "I'll contact the lawyer" before disappearing from the eyes of his family.


"Hyung" Taehyung called out for his brother, standing at the doorstep of his room while Daehyung was busy packing his bags.

Daehyung clearly heard the younger but chose to ignore and continue his work.

Taehyung sighed and stepped inside the room before standing behind Daehyung with a hand distance "we are going to divorce" he waited for his brother to reply or say something as the older visibly paused at his words but when he was met with silence he decided to continue speaking.

"I never had any intention of marrying him. You clearly know that we never liked eachother. It was just that the situation we both were forced into. You already know everything by now so it's all upto you if you still decide to be upset on me or any of us." Taehyung stood in silence for another minute but again didn't receive any answer from Daehyung.

His eyes dropped in disappointment as he turned around and took steps to leave the room but before he could do so, Daehyung started speaking, making him stop midway.

"After your divorce, will Jungkook marry me? Or will he ever come back to me?" Daehyung asked calmly, still turning his back on his brother.

Taehyung blinked his eyes as regret washed over him "no"

"That answers why I am upset" Daehyung said and zipped up the bag he was packing before proceeding to pack another.

Taehyung stared into nothing for a few seconds before nodding quitely to himself and making his way out of his brother's room.

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