Chapter 19

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Jungkook immediately snapped his head towards his father who was smiling at Tae.


How the fuck is he even smiling?

Taehyung isn't the one he was going to marry!

Before he could open his mouth Hyebin faced him "do what I said just now son" and gave him a smile.

Like– what the fuck is going on!?

He looked over at Taehyung who kept his head low because after getting the glimpse of Jungkook's betrayed face he couldn't bear to look up at it again.

A tear drop fell from his eye as he heard his father's voice again "Don't lose you calm and marry Taehyung" it was completely a statement, an order. But the thing was, Hyebin tried his best to soften his voice and keep on with his act.

The guests were already murmuring among themselves, because when they saw Taehyung standing in place of Daehyung, everybody had different opinions about it but when they saw Jungkook walking down the aisle, they were shocked.

He was going to marry one brother but is marrying another brother?

What kind of a drama is going on?

"Dad" Jungkook whispered and looked at his father, hoping that he would laugh out and say this is prank. Even though this is not something one would like to prank about, but he would still forgive them if they say this is a prank.

But that didn't happen. Rather, Hyebin just yet again smiled at him while giving his hands to Taehyung. The smile working as a fuel to the fire in his heart.

He stood infront of Taehyung whose eyes were screaming some unreadable emotions, which were ofcourse not positive.

"W-wha-t is-" Jungkook chocked out while looking into Taehyung's eyes with tears streaming down his own cheeks continuously.

Taehyung didn't utter a single word, rather, he took the younger's hands in his own and caressed them in way giving support and assurance, though he himself was losing his shits.

Jungkook closed his eyes and ducked his head as the priest begun with the rituals.


"You both may kiss now" the priest announced while Taehyung looked up at Jungkook who was not having any of it. He was too gone into crying to give a damn to what the priest just said.

Taehyung sighed and brought one of the younger's hand near his lips, barely making contact with it.

He lightly brushed his lips on the latter's back on the hand for only the sake of 'kissing' and pulled back.

For a few seconds nobody clapped or cheered upon the wedding being completed so it was Hyebin who clapped first with a very wide happy grin on his face, following after him everybody else too clapped confusedly.

'Cause you know, they still don't get what the heck is going on here.


"I don't want them to divorce and my son is too good for you all. I don't think you would want to lose him and make them divorced" Hyebin chuckled while Namjoon and Jin glared at him.

"You never care for anyone except yourself, do you? We are not like you. It's upto them if they want to accept this and start their new beginning or end it by divorce. We won't force them into anything and it would be good if you don't too" Jin glared at Hyebin through his swollen eyes and walked away from him.

He has to keep Jungkook away from Hyebin so that he won't be able to manipulate Jungkook into accepting this marriage no matter what.

"What do you get from manipulating and controlling your own son like this? Do you feel happy to see him unhappy? I guess you sure do" Namjoon shook his head in disappointment and left Hyebin alone.

He walked towards his car, where his husband was waiting for him. Another car was waiting beside their's in which Taehyung and Jungkook were seated.

By now Jungkook has stopped crying but he wasn't talking either. Not a single word he has spoken since the wedding.

Taehyung was no different. He has gone all silent after the wedding. Every kind of depressing thought came crashing down on him, which he didn't think before accepting to marry Jungkook out of blue.

He glanced at Jungkook who had his eyes closed, mentally exhausted.

He sighed before closing his eyes too.

'It's going to be a long night'

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