Chapter 29

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"She is Kwon Eunbi, Daehyung hyung's childhood and very first friend. Our families' connection are good too. Last time I knew, she was in the States for her job. She did not even come to the wedding, but here she is now. And she treats me like her younger brother, incase you are curious"

Blood rushed to Jungkook's cheeks as he smacked Taehyung's head "why will I be curious?"

Taehyung rubbed the area the younger just smacked and shrugged.

Jungkook glared at him but then diverted his eyes from the older and sighed.

He feels like something is off with her. He clearly saw how Eunbi's demeanor changed when her eyes fell on him. Even her words were very suspicious. What did she mean by 'anybody but her'? Her behaviour, her eyes, her talks, everything screams different things–

He felt a hand squeezing his cheeks as he snapped out of his thoughts. He looked up to find Taehyung being the one squeezing his cheeks while frowning at him.

"You are pouting real hard. What are you thinking about?" Taehyung asked and retreated his hand back, not without noticing how the younger's pale cheeks tainted pink because of his squeezes.

Unknowingly a soft smile made its way on his face but he broke out laughing when Jungkook huffed and said "i regret not being a psychiatrist"

"And for what?" Taehyung paused laughing and looked at Jungkook for an answer. "To know people" Jungkook frowned at his own words and then flashed a disgusted face.

Psychiatrist he says? His own mental sanity is roaming somewhere in Rome and he suddenly wants to be a psychiatrist.

"And whom do you want to know about?" His eyes went to the older as he searched for a comeback to that. He can't say he wants to know more about Eunbi because he finds her sus. No, he can't.

"You. Your top floor seems a little lot cracked" Taehyung rolled his eyes and got up from the bed before casually walking behind Jungkook and making it seem like he was going to the bathroom but as soon as Jungkook turned his head from him, he was suddenly attacked by tickles.

"No!–" a laugh went past Jungkook's lips as he tried to protect himself from Taehyung's hands, "stop!" but it was of no use. He has tickles all over his body and the older knows it very well.

He tickled the younger until he had tears in his eyes and then immediately started running towards the bathroom but before he could enter, he went flying when a kick landed on his ass.

He immediately locked the door and breathed out. A victorious grin appeared on his face as he heard Jungkook yelling on him. Sure he got a kick but he won.

"You just wait!" Jungkook shouted and panted after being breathless by the series of tickles.

He made his way to the bed and sat down before taking a minute to compose himself and going back to his wondering self.

Well, if he actually would have been a psychiatrist, then maybe he would have known why he was feeling shits he never felt around Taehyung lately.

Lately? Atleast that's what he thinks.


Taehyung and Jungkook came down to find Namjoon, Jin and Eunbi at the breakfast table. Eunbi smiled when she noticed the two joining them for breakfast.

The usually silent breakfast was now filled with chattering as there was a guest with them. Jungkook mostly stayed quiet and observed Eunbi, with his extraordinary sense of sensing negativity.

"Daehyungie must be so hurt right now" she blurted out of nowhere with sympathy lacing her voice.

Jungkook frowned heavily and raised his head to look at Eunbi. He noticed how the Kims froze at that.

What was she trying to do? Make them all feel quilty when they were the one trying to help the situation when Daehyung stayed locked up in his office during the time of his own wedding.

"He is" Jin mumbled and pushed his plate away, clearly losing his appetite after the mention of his son's sorrow.

He looked up at Eunbi and smiled sadly at her.

Jungkook looked at his side to check on Taehyung and yes, he was not eating either. He sighed and proceeded to hold his lower arm, to grab his attention.

Taehyung turned his face to him, confused "eat" Jungkook mumbled to him and gave a squeeze to his arm, comforting him.

Taehyung flashed a small smile at him and nodded. He was happy to know that the younger was aware of him and cared for him too.

Jungkook retreated his hand back when Taehyung turned his face away from him and continued eating.

"Why don't you go and meet him? It would be nice if he has someone with him right now" Namjoon suggested making Eunbi smile and nod "I was thinking of doing that. I haven't met him since years" she smiled to herself and seemed to get lost in her thoughts.

Jungkook made a wierd face at her smiling so hard when the rest are all gloomy.

His attention was then snatched by the device vibrating in his pocket. He took out his phone and frowned when he found Jimin calling him.

Man wouldn't even wake up this early morning, but he is calling him now?

He cut the call, deciding to call back after leaving the breakfast table but Jimin was dialling him again.

He sighed and thought of picking up the call but his mouth parted open as well as his frown deepend when he heard Eunbi saying

"Why not throw a party for their marriage?"

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