Chapter 22

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Jungkook came out of the bathroom and wore a fresh pair of clothes out of his still packed luggage.

With his hairs still wet, he sat down infront of the mirror and took the dryer in his hands before beginning to dry them.

He glanced at the sleeping figure of Taehyung through the mirror and let out a sigh.

Things aren't like before now. He won't be blasting music early mornings now to wake up a very annoyed Taehyung. They can't mess with eachother now after knowing each other's reasons. Can they?

Why can't they? Now that they have their things settled down that doesn't mean they can't be what they want to be with each other.

They can always be how they were, like two mischievous kids, without any grudge towards each other now.

They don't have to be awkward around eachother or be in some unwanted limits.

Jungkook sighed and took notes in his mind to continue being comfortable with Taehyung like how he always was.

He diverted his gaze from Taehyung and turned off the dryer.

That's when he heard loud yet muffled yelling coming from downstairs.

Fear took over him as he walked to Taehyung and started calling his name to wake him up. But Taehyung being a heavy sleeper didn't seem to have any effect so he started to shake him. Fortunately, Taehyung finally woke up and sat up with a jerk resulting in Jungkook to flinch hard.

Jungkook placed his palm over his chest and panted looking at Taehyung with big eyes.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked immediately in an alerted mode, voice hoarse and deeper than usual.

Jungkook gulped and opened his mouth to speak "something's going on downstairs"

Taehyung frowned but then noticed some muffled voices entering through their room's door.

"Let's go?" Jungkook asked, still looking at the older with wide eyes. Taehyung looked at him then nodded before abandoning the couch and getting out of the room along with Jungkook.

As they climbed down the stairs they could clearly recognise Jin's voice as the one who's yelling.

But as the view came infront of their eyes, Taehyung took more hurried steps while Jungkook started taking slower steps as fear occupied his mind and heart.

How will he face this man now?

"Hyung!?" Taehyung called out as he ran in his brother's direction before standing right infront of him.

Daehyung's teary eyes met with his brother's worried ones but he then turned his face to the stairs when he noticed someone standing there, from his peripheral vision.

His eyes widened when he saw Jungkook.

And without wasting a second he ran to Jungkook and held his hands.

"I'm sorry! I'm so so sorry! I got stuck in the office!–" Daehyung tried to hug Jungkook but couldn't. He frowned and looked down to see Jungkook's hands pressing against his chest to stop him from getting anymore closer.

"Stuck in office?" Jungkook asked, confusion lacing his voice but also demanding answer.

Daehyung stared into his eyes as a tear escaped from his own eye.


Daehyung happily drove the way to his company, where most probably his phone would be.

He arranged some surprises for Jungkook which was in his phone. So he couldn't take a chance to miss it.

He parked his car before strolling towards the entrance.

A frown masked his features when he found the watchman's cabin empty. Both the watchmen are gone? He will surely have a talk with them when he returns to office after a few days.

He made his way to his cabin, not before noticing how all the employees table's were empty except two-three.

He entered his cabin and started looking for his phone.

After a long search, he still couldn't find his phone. He glanced over the clock which read 05:44 pm.

Company's closing time had already passed.

He let out a frustrated sigh and kicked his desk, which shook a little from the force but still managed to roll down a pen from the flat surface.

That's when something clicked inside his brain.

Maybe the device has fallen down or something?

He crouched down, totally disappearing behind the large mahogany coloured table.

A sigh of relief went past his lips when he finally spotted his phone. But it was in a distance for which he had to struggle.

And in between that struggle he missed to hear the click of the door.

After many tries he got his phone in his hand and then stood up happily to leave.

He walked to the door and twisted the knob to open the door and leave hurriedly but the door didn't open?

He frowned and again tried but the door still didn't open. Then he realised it was locked from outside.

Horror took over him as he fished his hands inside his pockets to see if he had brought the spare keys with himself but much to his dismay, he had no key.

He banged on the door and screamed on top of his lungs for anybody to notice and help him out but,

Today luck has gone on it's honeymoon and as far as I can see it's not coming back anytime soon.

Panting heavily, he tried to open his phone but failed to do that too.

His eyes widened when he realised he had no charge in the device in his hands.

He ran to his desk to find a charger and luckily got one. He immediately plugged it into the phone and waited for it to turn on but that didn't happen.

Electricity cut off!?

He punched the wall close to him. Why he had to be this unfortunate today only!?

He again strolled towards the door and banged on it screaming, "anybody's there!? Please help me!! I'm locked here!! Help me!!"

But he just got disappointment in return.

He again glanced at the clock which now read 06:22 pm.

Marriage is just in one more hour! He has to get out of here anytime soon.

He continued trying whatever he could do to go out of the room but failed each time.

As the marriage time came closer his hope went farther.

The clock then striked perfectly at 07:30 pm, draining out the last ounce of hope in him.

He spent the whole night crying and cursing at himself in his cabin.

When morning came and when the Company's opening time arrived, the door opened.

Daehyung didn't waste a second and ran out of the room, startling the worker who had locked the door yesterday.

And leaving him in utmost shock because yesterday there was no one inside the room when he locked the door?


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