5~ smile

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The sunshine was Glistening through the windows of the girls bedroom. Everyone was getting ready for a new day at Gracefield House , putting on their brown boots , brushing their hair and making their beds. Y/n was still asleep wrapped up under her blanket until she regained her consciousness again , she had no memory of the events that happened last night....until...

"Y/n!" Emma whispered loudly into y/ns ear as she pulled the blanket off her.
"HUH?! oh Emma it's just you" y/n sighed with relief waking up from her sleep. "We left little bunny at the gate!!" Emma whispered loudly into y/ns ear. Her eyes widened remembering what happened last night and she began to feel sick. "Emma...I think I left my drawing for Conny there too.." she said staring at the floor. "Oh no- we have to tell Norman about this..." Emma added quickly as she tied her laces and ran down the corridor to the dining hall.

Y/n was the last one in the bedroom. She got dressed into her clean uniform and made her bed. She then brushed her hair into pigtails with some white ribbons.

"Okay ... so just act like nothing happened and I'll be fine..." y/n said to herself sitting on the edge of her bed looking out the window.

Suddenly a hand touched her shoulder. "AH- oh it's just you." Y/n said panicked for a moment. "What? is that a disappointment?" Ray asked chuckled sitting down next to her. "No actually it's a relief." "Alright then ... come on , breakfast is ready." Ray said getting up and leaving the room. "By the way I like your hair." He commented before walking down the hallway. Y/ns face turned red as she put her hands on her face.

"I hope today won't be so troublesome..." she groaned.

Y/n entered the dining hall, the scent of fresh toast and fruits filled the room. there were children running around playing with paper aeroplanes while some were setting the table with bowls and spoons and glasses. Y/n turned next to her to see Norman. "Act as if nothing happened okay? Smile." He whispered before going over to Don and Gilda to set the table. Y/n tried her best to act happy she felt so sick she just wanted to go back to bed. The girl looked across the table at Emma who was putting bowls on the table and she looked like she didn't sleep at all last night. Y/n felt bad...but the last person she wanted to see was...

"Good morning y/n , are you feeling alright? You spent a long time in bed this morning." "Mama! Don't worry I'm okay!" Y/n said trying to act happy with sweat dripping down her forehead. "Alright then, I hope you are looking forward to breakfast I know it's one of your fav s" Mama said to her with a smile as y/n walked over towards Ray who just sat down. "What was that about?" He asked " nothing! Just Mama checking in on me that's all." Y/n said nervously, fiddling with the table cloth.

Everyone eventually sat down at their tables and Mama stood at the top of the middle one like she always does. "Good morning my darling children. Let's be thankful that all 38 of you can live happily under this roof." "Thank you for the food!" Everyone said in sync.

After breakfast Emma Norman and Y/n went into the pantry to discuss what happened last night. "Listen Emma ,y/n , we have to behave like we normally do. Yesterday we broke a rule and went to the gate but we have to act like nothing ever happened. "But y/ns drawing and little bunny-" Emma said, glancing at y/n then Norman. "Mama probably found them. She might not suspect us because we left little bunny there , it could have been anyone but we left y/ns drawing there... so she would suspect y/n." "But we don't know she found it , right?" Y/n worried. "We have to assume the worst." Norman said. "Mama was smiling, she doesn't show it in her face at all." Emma said. "Then that's what we gave to do aswell. If she sees that you aren't being your cheerful selves then she has every right to suspect us. We can't loose to her. So smile." Norman answered.

"The delicious meals , our white clothes that show when we are dirty , our well regulated lives ... all of this to maintain our value as merchandise." Emma said. "The only thing we can do is wait until we get shipped out randomly." "It's not random though... the demon said 'another six year old. We've been shipping out average quality meat lately.' " Norman said remembering what the demons had talked about. "What does that mean?" Emma asked. "Judging from what they said, age probably signifies quality of meat. If I remember right , the siblings that were shipped out were between six and sixteen years old." Norman said crossing his arms. "Okay... so if being shipped out at six is the lowest then the sixteen year olds must be the highest quality." Y/n added. "But what about the daily tests? Meat won't start tasting better if we got high scores on a test , would it?" Emma asked confused. "Yeah, but they never announce test scores unless we got full marks." Norman said. "After we turn six we get harvested started from lowest scores up. And when we turn sixteen we get shipped out no matter what." "We were never shipped out because we got full scores?" Asked Emma. "But I don't understand... why would it test better because of our scores.." Norman said. "Maybe the size of our bodies? No then weight would matter too." "No.." y/n said. Emma and Norman brought their attention to the (h/c) haired girl. "It's the size of our brains..." she said looking up at the pair.
"That means..." Emma trailed off. "The brain must taste the best..." Norman finished. "And the more developed the better." Y/n added. "So that's why we are high quality merchandise... try to remember, before Conny was Hao then before him Sadie , based on this continuous cycle so far the next shipment should be In about two months from now at the soonest." Said Norman. "Then we need to think of a way for all of us to escape, together." Emma said. Y/n and Norman nodded in response.


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