9~ Everyone is escaping that's final

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This was a really good plan Norman!" Emma said with a wide smile as she untied the table clothes around her waist. "Using table clothes as rope" y/n added with a smile too. "I'm just glad Ray let you come outside instead of spending another few hours in the infirmary." Said Emma. "Yeah , I had to tell him fourteen times that I was feeling better before he let me outside" y/n rolled her eyes. Emma took all the table clothes and threw them into a hole in a tall tree so Mama or any of the children wouldn't find it. "We can use these to get over the wall when the times right." Emma said as Norman nodded. Emma jumped down from the tree and stood next to Norman. "Alright the next challenge is-" "the tracking devices." Y/n finished. Both Emma and Norman nodded in agreement "and to make a plan to get everyone out." Emma finished "Hey Norman and Emma I know I said this already but I really think we should tell Ray." Norman put his hand on his chin. "I was thinking the same thing. Rays most likely not to panic and because of his knowledge he's good with machines. I'm sure he can help us out but..." "but what?" Emma asked confused. Norman looked at Emma then Y/n. "How about I talk to Ray myself." Norman said. "What why-" y/n asked "why don't you two head back and-"

"Why?" A familiar voice asked through the bushes. Y/n Emma and Norman were surprised as Ray walked through the bushes to them with a book in his hand. "Ray!" Emma said nervously " yo." Ray replied holding up a hand to wave. "Sorry I followed you guys here , but it's been bugging me for awhile , so I thought I should ask you about it. Ever since you three came back from the gate you guys looked ... Traumatised plus y/n was going to tell me something about Conny and I fell curious " Ray said looking at the trio. Emma and Norman glared at y/n "you told him already?!" Emma shouted "No! I was going to but-" "she didn't." Ray interrupted giving a quick glance to y/n. "I just thought I should ask you about it." Ray said handing his book to y/n.

He pulled his arms around the trio pulling them closer causing y/ns face to turn red. "Now what happened at the gate that night when you brought little bunny to Conny. You said you didn't make it but returned without little bunny and y/ns drawing." He pulled them closer. "You're perceptive!" Emma said. "So something happened so come on , spill it!" "Alright we will tell you!" Emma said being squeezed by him. He let go and took his book back waiting for them to talk.

"Demons...a Farm... and Mamas the enemy." Ray repeated the information he was just given. "Isn't that really bad?" "He catches on fast!" Emma said shocked. "So what you're all saying is we are being taken care of so preciously to become demon food..." he said while touching the number ID on the side of his neck. "I'm surprised you are believing us so easily?" Y/n asked the boy "well of course I do. Norman wouldn't make up such an unbelievable stupid lie, he's not you or Emma." Ray smirked y/n just nudged his arm and furrowed her eyebrows.

"So , if we really are gonna escape , there are gonna be a couple issues. First of all the number of kids , we should narrow it down to those how can make it and then-"
"Wait!" Emma cut in "We want to escape with everyone! Lend us your strength Ray!" The Girl pleaded hugging y/ns arm.
Ray sighed "you're kidding right? There are 38 of us , and the majority are under the age of six. There's Mama , Demons and tracking devices. These things already make the escape difficult but bringing everyone-" "I know I know but it's still not impossible-" "No Emma, it is impossible you haven't noticed have you?" He asked the orange haired girl. Emma looked confused. "Ray wait-" Norman blurted out putting a hand up. "Oh I see now why you wanted to talk to me alone. You have to be blunt about these sort of things Emma." "What things?" "It won't work with us all leaving it won't be enough."

"What do you mean by that?" Y/n asked walking closer up to Ray. "We have no clue what the outside world is like. We know there's a place that we are getting shipped to and because this is a farm and a buyer that should give you an idea. What waits beyond that gate is a demons world there is no place for humans out there." Ray said.

Y/n took a deep breath. The raven haired boy put a hand on y/ns shoulder "it's impossible if we take everyone we will all die." He said bluntly. "We should leave them behind it is the best option. "No way." Y/n said staring into his eyes. Emma walked up next to y/n. "Even if it's impossible we want to escape with everyone! We can work it out." Emma said with confidence. "What?!" Ray shouted at the girl. "Nobody else here will die. Conny will be the last they take." Emma said looking at y/n then at Ray. "Even if there isn't a place for humans let's carve one for ourselves! Let's do this together all of us , we can change the world!" Y/n said with a smile taking Rays hand in both of hers. He just stared at the girl in shock. "I understand now Ray, if that's the sort of prison break we have to make then so be it. Emma and I aren't giving up on this we have decided." Y/n said with determination. "So Ray you're the one who has to give up. So stop jabbering and help us escape!" Emma demanded.

He let go of y/ns hand and Norman started laughing. "We will escape with everyone no matter what! Or else I won't do it! I won't, I won't , I won't! " Emma screeched throwing her hands in the air throwing a small Tantrum while y/n started giggling at Emma's actions. "Do something about that idiot Shes unreasonable!" Emma was getting on Rays last nerves. "I know right? but I'm glad shes are back to her normal cheery self." Norman said walking up to Ray. Emma took Y/n hand running over to the wall to figure out how they were going to escape again.

"Can you just stop them?! Or you three are going to die. But you knew that from the start, didn't you?" Ray stated. "Y/n and Emma were crying." Norman explained but Rays face softened slightly into a worried expression. "That night , I thought those two were crying because they were scared of dying but in reality they were scared of their family dying. Isn't that amazing? To be able to think of others in such a terrible situation?" Norman asked Ray.

"But it's not the right thing! It's like a boat made out of mud. But I mean if it's just the four of us we can escape You're right you shouldn't feel ashamed but don't change your mind because of your emotions!" Ray argued. Norman just smiled at Ray. "But it's not that Ray. I also want to make a boat out of mud." "What?! Why? You are supposed to be the cool headed one in this situation!" Ray pulled Norman closer by his collar. "Because I love Emma. I want her to always be smiling. And I know you want the same for y/n. I've seen the way you look at her , Ray." Norman said with a smile.

Ray let go of Norman pushing him back. "You're crazy." Said Ray. "And what if Emma dies because of this?" Ray asked Norman. "I won't let her die beside I've always accomplished what I set out to do. And if you bake mud it'll become a vessel." Norman added. Emma and y/n walked up to the boys. "Ray please just help us out. I want to make up for sending everyone off. I know you are gonna say it's impossible but-" y/n started. "You are crazy , you know that?" Ray said looking at the girl who just smiled at him. "Maybe me Emma and y/n are gone insane maybe we have completely lost it. But you can't let us do this on our own ,right?" Norman asked The dark green eyed boy. "Damn it.. what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?" He asked. Norman smiled at the boy knowing they finally got Ray on their team to help them out. Ray just ruffled y/ns hair . "hey!" Y/n said trying to fix her hair. "By the way are you feeling better? Any temperature? I mean i can always make some more soup for you if you want?" he asked putting the palm of his hand to her forehead to check for a temperature "Ray I'm fi-"

Suddenly the bell went off signalling free time was over. "Hey you guys... shouldn't we have some more free time left?" Emma asked confused as the four made their way back up to the house.


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