63~ Paranoid

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It has been eight days since the group set off on their journey far away from the shelter. Everyone was exhausted and felt miserable. Emma was trying her best to keep the spirits lifted, Ray, Zack and Oliver walked at the back and sides of the groups paths with their weapons on lookout for any potential threat. Y/n carried Dominic on her back as he slept and Jemima held onto her free hand. "Y/n how much longer until we stop to eat?" Jemima asked. "Another hour.." y/n said. "I'm so hungry" sighed Yvette, looking In to her bag for any biscuits or fruit. "Everyone is tired, let's settle here for the night. We can gather food and set up a fire" Emma announced as the group walked into a circle of large sheltering trees acting like a big tent.

Emma, Violet, Don, Yvette and Jemima ran into the forest using their survival skills to catch fish and found fruit for their meal. "Finally something other than old pieces of bread" Alilca sighed with relief. "Y/n could you do the honours of cooking the fish?" Don asked. "Sure thing" y/n smiled.

Pepe made a fire and brought a small pot for cooking from the shelter. "Is this alright? I used it for soups" Pepe asked. "This is perfect" y/n said. The younger children watched as the girl cooked the fish and plated it up, feeding everyone a portion. Though it wasn't much it, reminded y/n of the simple times back at the house where she would cook homely warm meals for everyone. Soups, Cakes, stews and much more. Every time y/n would think of her childhood home she would smile and remember the good memories of her youth. Doing art with Emma, playing chess with Norman, tag with Don and Gilda, helping Mama with chores and of course all the time she spent with Ray. It made her feel sad that their lives were lies but all they can do is move forward.

After the children had eaten their meals they set up blankets and pillows for the night. Emma, y/n and Gilda tucking the younger ones into bed, while some Goldy Pond kids cleaned up after their dinner.

Y/n sat down on her blanket hugging her knees to her chest. Emma set up her blanket beside y/n. "Today was exhausting...but y/n! You should have seen Yvette and Jemima catching fish by the water and gathering fruit" Emma smiled, sitting down. "They really learnt a lot at the shelter" Y/n said with a proud look. "Yeah they are amazing, I forget they also grew up...in my eyes they'll always be little kids though. I love them so much I never want them to get hurt" Emma smiled warmly. "Yeah I love them too" Y/n added, exchanging a similar smile. "Oh, by the way..." Emma trailed off. "What?" Y/n raised an eye brow. "I really think you should keep this..I just have a gut feeling about it you know?.." asked Emma, placing the amulet Mujika gave her into y/ns hands. "Last time I held this was on that long journey" y/n said, gazing at the amulets beauty. "I think it's more for you than me, since you saw all that stuff at Cuvitidala with it" Emma explained. Y/n thought for a moment and then nodded. "Thank you" the girl said.

"I'm gonna go to sleep, we gotta keep moving early in the morning" Emma said, covering her face in the blanket. "Good idea, night Emma" y/n smiled. "Night y/n! Sweet dreams" Emma said, closing her eyes.

Y/n sat up on her blanket, fiddling with the amulet. The moons light shone down through the leaves of the trees landing onto y/n. "I wonder how Ray is" y/n said to herself, as she stood up and walked towards the entrance of the tree shelter. Ray sat on a rock trying his best not to fall asleep. Ever since they left the shelter the boys took turns keeping guard turning the day and night. Zack and Oliver also contributed, they each took a different entrance of the trees to keep watch off.

Y/n crept up behind Ray, tapping him on the shoulder. The boy flinched and turned around in a flash. "Woah I'm not an enemy" y/n laughed, putting her hands in the air. "Sorry I'm just tired" Ray yawned, getting settled again. Y/n sat beside the teen. "Did you eat?" Y/n asked. "Yeah, Emma brought some cooked fish out to me" Ray said. "I cooked it" y/n smiled, feeling rather proud. "I can tell" Ray said. Y/n tilted her head. "In a good way or a bad way?" She asked feeling offended. "In a good way, idiot" Ray nudged her arm playfully. "Well I do remember you telling me I can't even make toast before" Y/n said. "Times change" Ray lifted his shoulders up and down as y/n laughed.

Ray was exhausted, he could barely stay awake. "You can rest your head on my lap if you like" y/n said. "I'll fall asleep though" Ray sighed. "I'll wake you up if a terrifying eight eyed demon appears wanting to eat my arms off if that helps" y/n said sarcastically. "Now I definitely don't want to sleep" Ray said quietly. "Just close your eyes then" y/n said. Finally Ray agreed and rested his head on her legs, lying on his back. "Do you feel better?" Y/n asked, brushing her fingers through his hair. "Mhm, thank you" the teen mumbled, half asleep.

Suddenly rustling was heard in a bush right in-front of the couple. Ray sat up in a flash and grabbed his weapon. A small blackbird flew out of the bush and into the nights sky. "Are you alright?" Y/n asked laughing, putting her hand on his shoulder. "I think I'm gonna be more paranoid about our surroundings if you're out here, the last thing I need is for you to get hurt" Ray sighed. "Maybe you should take a break and left Oliver and Zack keep look out. I can call them over here if you like?" Y/n suggested, hopping off the rock. "No it's fine. All I need to know is that you and the others are safe. I'll be okay, go back to the others" Ray said. "Okay...but promise me tomorrow night you'll let someone else take your shift" Y/n asked. Ray paused for a moment. "Okay then" he said. Y/n walked up to the boy for a moment. "Goodnight" she smiled, kissing him softly. "Goodnight y/n" he replied returning smile. It was so dark outside that no one could see the blush across his face as y/n walked back to her blanket. Ray turned the other way, keeping watch in the forest thinking of the (h/c) haired girl.


Sorry for any typos

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