41~ Heart To Heart

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"Y/n it's time to go" A voice called as y/n slowly began to open her eyes. "Huh?" She asked with a yawn, stretching her arms. "I let you sleep a little longer because you were exhausted but now that the geezers up we have to go" Ray said, helping y/n up. Y/n picked up her bag and threw it on her back. "Thanks I was really tired" She said with a smile, kissing his cheek making  Rays face turn red. "Here, have this" Ray said, handing an apple to y/n.

"Thanks I'm so hungry but...now that I think about it I did have a strange dream last night...in the dream I couldn't open my eyes and I heard a voice talk in the background. It sounded like a voice and I'm pretty sure they were talking on a telephone..?. Something about a corpse? There was another voice too,  it kept saying sorry over and over again...weird right?"y/n said. "That's strange, maybe you'll have the dream again and it'll be more vivid next time" Ray said. "Yeah hopefully it was so fuzzy, almost like a memory" y/n laughed.

"Morning y/n!" Emma said with a smile. "Morning" y/n said waving her hand. Suddenly the nameless man jumped down from the tree in-front of the three. "Alright let's go" he said with a tired face.

Two days past and it was the morning of the third in the forest and the three continuously got attacked by demons throughout the nights. Emma,Ray and y/n were all exhausted. And the man was extremely lively and thought it was funny that they were awake all night. They continued to follow the man deep into the forest. "I'm so tired" y/n said, hugging Rays arm leaning her head on it. "Two more days..." Emma said with tiredness under her breath.

"He really is something huh? The way he hides, the way he attacks the demons and the way he hunts..." Ray said, looking at y/n. "We'll get as good as him. We can learn and steal his tricks!" Y/n said with a snicker. "Yeah" Ray smiled at the girls enthusiasm. "Hey guys I found our lunch for today" Emma said, handing Ray and y/n a few berries each. "Thanks Emma...I guess it's better than nothing" y/n said.

The three sat on the ground as they ate the remains of the bread they brought with them from the shelter and the few berries Emma found. "We're getting better at running away...if we keep this up we'll get to our destination no problem" the orange haired girl said.

After hours of walking the sky turned dark and was painted with stars. Emma took out the silver pen and projected the screen from it. "Look! We are already at A07-63!  Just a little bit more until A08-63" she said with a bright smile.  "That means we'll get there sooner than we thought!" Y/n cheered. "Emma and I are going to find some food for dinner okay?" Y/n said, putting her bag on the floor. "Okay just be careful and bring a gun" Ray said, as he started a campfire. Ray stood in silence for a few moments. "Y/n wait- I need to talk to you, I feel like the geezers gonna kill -" "Ta-da! Our dinner for tonight!" Emma said, holding up a branch of berries and a small lizard.

The three sat around the warm fire under the sky full of stars. "Everyone's safe and sound right?" Y/n asked, hugging her knees. "Yeah of course they are" Emma said, gazing at the pretty white sparkling dots in the sky. "I hope Phil and Carol and the others are doing okay back at the house...before we left on this journey the man asked me if I was making the right decision and I know we are but...sometimes it's scary- maybe we aren't making the right choice? Am I making a mistake? Was it right to come to Goldy Pond on our own...was it okay to leave Phil and the other kids? How about letting Norman go?" Y/n asked with a sad expression.

"We can't turn back now...we have to keep moving forward" said Emma. "I shouldn't be doubting myself. I know...but, what if this path we chose was wrong? What if my ideas and decisions get you guys killed? I know you both feel that fear and pain too. But if that man lost all his family I wonder how scared he was...how much did he suffer?" Y/n asked. "I've been thinking about the meaning of the word 'help' written all over the walls and I've been watching him closely for the past three days" Ray added with tired eyes.

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