6~ the wall

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Finally free time came , Emma , Norman and Y/n walked through the bushes of the forest they would play catch in most days.

Norman grabbed a small branch from a tree and drew a quick drawing of the house and the gate surrounded by a big circle. "This is a simple drawing of the site, the house is in the middle then further down the gate" Norman explained. "You should leave the drawing to me Norman." Y/n added quickly before sneezing while examining his drawing. Emma giggled at y/ns comment. "We all know you're the artist here y/n." Norman said laughing a small bit. "Anyways, and this is the forest that surrounds us. Which one should we escape from? The gate or the forest?" Norman finished looking up at the two girls. "How about the forest? The gate is always closed expect for when there's a shipment...and when it's open..." Emma trailed off "the demons are there." Y/n finished. "So the forest at playtime during the day when we can run freely or at night during a shipping-" "No! not during shipping! That means someone we love dies!" Emma complained loudly. "Yeah you're right and I'm worried the younger ones won't be able to stay up too late either... then it's decided , we will escape during the day through the forest, if that's possible."said Norman "that depends what it's like beyond the forest." Y/n said as she sneezed again.

Without hesitation the trio jumped over the small black fence and bolted to the end of the forest.

They looked up at a gigantic cement wall in front of them. Norman walked along the wall and tried climbing a tree to see the top but fell. "Norman!" Emma exclaimed as she ran over to the boy. "Norman are you okay?" She asked he smiled at her. "Yeah I think I'm just too tired from thinking too much." He said. Y/n walked over to them. "It's okay you guys I'll do it." She said as she started to climb the tree.
Y/n tried her best to look over the wall. "Is there anything there?" asked Emma. "Hmm...nothing! There's no guards but the wall is pretty thick. Maybe two to three meters thick and it's very tall." Norman walked along the wall again followed by Emma and he placed his ear against it. "It's quiet what do you think Emma?" Norman asked the girl standing beside him. "It's very sturdy and there's no rough edges to climb." Y/n climbed back down to the ground from the tree to stand with Emma and Norman. "That's what the wall wants us to think." Said Norman. "If it was you , me or y/n and we had a rope we could easily climb this." He continued. "There's no demons around and the only one who seems to be watching us is Mama. It's not too scary." He finished. A loud bell was rang making the trio run back to the house.
As they were running back y/n began to sneeze again. "Are you okay y/n? You've been sneezing quite a lot are you sick again?" Emma asked as she stopped running. "Y-yeah " y/n answered sniffing. Emma smiled and they made it to the house.

The three finally arrived on time. Emma and Norman were in the front followed by y/n who was now trembling. Mama stood by the door of the house with all the other children, y/n walked towards Ray and stood next to the teen . "Hey Ray" y/n said sounding congested. Ray face palmed. "Don't tell me you've got a fever again." He asked putting his hand to her forehead. "It's not like I can help it! Plus I'm fine" she explained.
Ray linked his arm with y/n. "come on let's go to the infirmary before it gets worse" He sighed as they started walking. "Mama!" One of the younger kids started shouting , alerting Ray and y/n to stop walking. "Mark! Are you alright?" She asked the boy kneeling down to his height. "I lost Naila in the forest and I don't know what to do?!" The boy said, starting to sob. Mama pulled out a pocket watch from her dress and opened it to take a look and closed it just as soon. Emma and Norman kept an eye on Mama as she did so. "It will be okay everyone stay here." Mama said to the children.

"Naila will be fine let's go Y/n before you get even more sick." Ray said as they stated walking again. "Okay.." y/n said too tired to argue with him. They eventually made it to the infirmary. Ray got some medicine for y/n as she laid down in a bed. "Here" he said holding out a spoon full of unusual medicine. "This is a new medicine? I'm not eating that! It smells disgusting." Y/n said. "We ran out of the usual one but this will help you  just the same as the old one. It will make you feel better. Please just drink it" He said drawing the spoon closer to her mouth. "Nope!" Y/n said, putting her hands over her mouth. "Just do it for me?" He asked once again. "...fine." Y/n gave in and drank the medicine. "That was gross." She sighed. "well it's better then being sick for a week, right?" Answered Ray. "I guess..." 

Ray closed the medicine box and handed y/n a glass of water which she gladly took to get rid of the taste of the awful medicine.

"Can you stay with me?" Y/n asked looking at the boy who just finished cleaning up. "Yeah of course, I was going to anyways." Replied Ray as he pulled over a chair next to her bed. "No, come sit " y/n said as she patted a spot next to her on the bed. He sat on the bed with her and took out a book he brought with him. "Which book is this?" Y/n asked leaning on his shoulder. "Ehh, you wouldn't like it." He said bluntly. "And why is that?" Y/n raised an eye brow. "Because it's a fairytale." He teased. "I hope that's a joke because you know they are my favourite." She said annoyed lightly hitting him on the arm. "Now tell me what's it actually about?" Y/n asked intrigued. Ray smiled at her curiosity "it's about a princess who was locked away in a tower and one day a knight from a far away kingdom climbs the tower to find her and they get married." "There is no way you just read that because you wanted to." Y/n said. "Well of course I only brought it because you like these books, idiot" he said bluntly. "Really?" Y/n asked genuinely. "Yeah to be honest you kind of remind me of the princess and-" suddenly Emma burst into the room. "Y/n we need to talk to you!" She shouted with Norman behind her.


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