73~ The Full Moon

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Norman sat in the cold emptiness of the room. He closed his eyes, lost in his own thoughts for a moment before he got up from his chair and walked outside.

The only sound being the click of his shoes and the distant chatter of children, slowly getting fainter, he quickly made his way down an old staircase followed by Zazie.

The pair stopped outside a tall rusty metal door. Zazie pulled the door open with all his strength and in a matter of seconds the heavy doors were wide open.

"Hey there boss" Cislo smiled warmly at the blue eyed boy standing at the door. "I was looking for you all" Norman said bluntly.

He walked closer into the room to where Barbara, Cislo and Vincent stood. It was full of shelves upon shelves of jars full of different parts of demons. Eyes, hands and more. They leaned against big marble pillars as they stared upon a terrifying, wild demon. It was already dead with many wooden spears piercing through its eyes and head. Not to mention it was chained to the walls. "It has been a while since I've been down here" Norman said, holding his lantern closer to the demon. "Oh yeah we come here all the time" Cislo said. "Yeah, it's relaxing" Barbara put her hands behind her head.

Cislo stared at the ground for a moment, before looking back up to Norman. "What did those three want?" He sighed. "Y/n, Emma and Ray want...different things...one was that they don't want to annihilate the demons" Norman answered. "I knew it..." Barbara's hands turned to fists as an angry look grew on her face. Cislo stayed silent. "And what about you, Boss?" asked Vincent.

"Don't jump to conclusions there's no change in the plan" Norman rolled up his sleeves. "...and another thing...the evil blooded girl is still alive" "what?! Isn't that a bad thing?" Barbara asked. "It's fine. I'll think of a way to deal with it don't worry. She has met Emma and the others. They are friends" sighed Norman.

"What?" "The evil blooded demon?" Cislo asked, confused. "Well that is convenient as well as inconvenient" Vincent shrugged. "So...that's why they don't want to kill demons? They- they are friends with them?! This is insane!! What the heck are those idiots thinking?! That's not what demons are like!! That's not how we are supposed to see them!" Barbara shouted, feeling quite panicked.

"Damn it! Argh!!! My head hurts!!" She fell to her knees with her hands on her head and her eyes closed. "It's the usual attack Damn it!" Cislo patted her back in attempt to calm Barbara down. "The break between these attacks have gotten shorter in the past few days...for all of us!" Vincent said. "Where is your medicine?" Cislo stood up. "In my room...it hurts so bad!!" Barbara cried. Vincent took a handful of different medicine pills out of his pocket. "Here have mine" he said, placing them in her hand. "And mine!" Added Cislo doing the same.

"Boss, we also have to take heavy doses...the symptoms are getting worse..maybe we don't have much time left..." Vincent said with a worried expression. "See..? T-this is what demons do...this is what humans are to demons god dammit!!" Barbara shouted.

"If - If only Demons didn't exist..." she sniffled. "Boss...we spoke to Emma, y/n and Ray while you were gone.." Cislo said quietly. "They are nice kids...even though their naive nonsense makes me feel sick. They are really lovely but seriously...you are on our side right?" Cislo asked sadly.

"Y-you Are still the same boss right?! You aren't thinking about changing the plan!?" He asked. Norman stood without saying a word.

"I've come this far I'm not backing down" Norman said. He looked at the distressed trio and Zazie then walked away, out of the hidden room. "I'm not wavering...I've started everything, I did at all alone with my bare hands. Emma, Ray and y/n are kind. But kindness alone cannot win in this world. I have no regrets. I want to save my family, no matter what the cost, demons? The Ratri clan? They will all die. I will gladly become a god or devil, Emma"

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