57~ unexpected visitors

646 20 14

September 2047

About a year and seven months since the destruction of Goldy pond hunting ground.

In a town run be the demons, full of exotic fruits, breads and most importantly the flesh of humans lived small child like demons. They both wore small grey masks with horns and each had a baby blue cape over their shoulders as they skipped through the marketplace.

"Did you hear? Another farm was attacked!" One of the demons said to the other. "What!! Which one?" "Two mass production facilities under Lord Bayons rule..." answered the older demon. "Theft, eh? There's been a lot of that lately...but I thought the bandits were unhappy because they also want to eat high grade meat. So why would they attack a mass production farm and steal from there? That makes no sense!" Asked the younger demon as he skipped beside his brother. "Because they can't steal from top class farms. They can't get through the extra security. In the end, all they do is force their angry emotions towards the aristocrats, right?" "Yeah...I feel bad for the Bayon family...it's been more than a year since Lord Bayon and the others disappeared" Said the older demon.

The two approached a tent full of jars upon jars of human arms and legs kept in a bubbly turquoise liquid. "I'd say the bandits have something to do with the disappearance" Said the younger demon. "Shush! Don't say such things" the older demon scolded his brother. "But you know what? It would be nice to get it...even just once. Meat from a top class farm" The younger demon sighed.

The two brothers walked towards the counter. "Can I buy some meat?" Asked the older demon. "Sure thing" said the demon at the stall. "You two think the meat from Gracefield is still on the run with the Ratri sister? Hah! That happened almost two years ago, they probably all died by now out here...they thought they could keep it under wraps but everything's been unfolding since then! " laughed the demon.


It has been nearly two years since the the Grand Gracefeild escape. Everyone is alive.  the garden expanded so they don't have to risk going into the forest all the time to hunt, and y/n and a few others such as Gilda and Anna grew flowers too and decorated the base for colour and fun. fortunately the Ratris haven't spotted the bunkers location yet, though y/n worries about it every day and Ray has to keep reminding her that they are all safe....but there hasn't been any word from the supporters on the phone yet.

Ever since Y/n, Ray, Emma, Don, Gilda, Violet and Zack returned from Cuvitidala it was decided they needed to find the temple with golden water. They searched high and low in all directions to find it...but no luck. The only place left to look was the demon town. Each of them were disguised as demons. They all wore different coloured capes with patterns and a mask that covered their face with a hood to hide their human appearances.

The seven marched around the town all day until y/ns eyes were drawn to a large building that almost looked like a castle from some of the fairy tales she would read to the younger children. "You think that's it?" Ray asked the girl standing right beside him. "I'm sure. This is definitely the one! It's the temple I saw in Cuvitidala" Y/n smiled beneath her mask.

"Yay!" "Finally we found it!" "I'm so happy the trip is coming to an end" Emma, Don And Gilda cheered. "Shush! Calm down" Violet scolded the three. "It's quiet here...it's nothing like the busy demon town" y/n commented.

It was a long walk up the temple, a long flight of stairs was the only way up to the temples doors. "That's a lot of stairs" Emma nervously laughed. "Well we better get walking" y/n sighed as she began to walk up the stairs infront of everyone until Ray grabbed her hand firmly. "Someone's up there" the teen warned her as their attention was drawn to a demon sitting at the top of the stairs. "We shouldn't stay here long" Zack said. "Let's just hurry and investigate" Ray added. The seven walked up the stairs as fast as they could, trying their best not to look suspicious to the demon at the top.

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